Part 8

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The B.G's dragged her to a car and blindfolded her. Y/N was crying silently because she knew there is no use of requesting to them. After sometimes they reached the mansion and the B.G's unfolded the cloth from her eyes and she was shocked to see a big mansion like this.

G's unfolded the cloth from her eyes and she was shocked to see a big mansion like this

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Jimin : Take her to V's office room.

B.G's   : Ok Sir.

       Y/N was still in shock to see this big mansion because in her life she have not seen a huge house like this. Now she is in V's office room and that was also looking beautiful.

 Now she is in V's office room and that was also looking beautiful

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Y/N came to reality when V called someone.

V      : Julia.....Julia come here.

Julia : Yes Boss you have called me

V       : Yes,Take her to the room which is
           near my room.

Y/N    : (sobbing)Please leave me V, I am
           no more Mark's girlfriend why
           can't you understand that.

    Everyone were in shock because y/n called him by his name which triggered his angerness and Jimin entered the office room when y/n was speaking.

V       : I don't care whom you are to him
           he is ready to do anything for
           you that's enough for me to get
           my money back and who the hell
           gave you permission to call my

Y/N    : I..I..

Jimin : Julia take her to her room.

         Before Y/N speak anything Julia took her to her room because everyone knows V's character if he gets angry he won't think twice he will do whatever he wants. Now Julia and Y/N reached to Y/N's room.

Julia : I am apologizing for his rude
          behaviour please don't mind it.

Y/N    : (still sobbing) who are you?

Julia : I am Julia, a maid and head of
          every maids. May I know your
          name please.

Y/N    : My name is Y/N.

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