Part 5: return of the princess

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So, now you know the story. Joshua broke my heart. I was a troubled young girl coming from a family where my mother lied to my father, my father lied to the world, my sister was in the dark about all our lives, and my grandfather never let me have friends. I couldn't take it anymore. I... shut it off. I closed out my feelings, my humanity. But then... then... Well, you know. Ben. You already know that story though. Washout kid comes along, proves himself, breaks through my wall of ice... gets a grasp on my deeply buried humanity. So lets skip to the next part. 

...but it was still the best vacation ever because Erica Hale kissed me.

Aww. Is that what he said? Wow! That's so... SAD. Ben- dude- you got pummeled, choked, half-drowned (and don't even get me started on the broom closet of a bedroom we all had to share) on this trip! And that one kiss made up for all that? Okay, I'll admit it. I guess that the old part of me would have seen that as, um... sweet. Well, while I'm being open and emotional, why don't we just go all out? 



I pulled away from Ben, face flushed. He was staring at me with his big brown eyes, a stupid grin on his face. 

"So does that mean..." he started.

"Please, don't make me say it."

"Come on Erica! You know how long I've been waiting for this moment." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine Ben. We can... try it." his giddy grin spread so wide it looked painful. "but- if at any point I want to, you know, stop, then you don't ask questions and you respect my decision. Those are my terms."

"Okay!" Ben wrapped his arms around me. I was surprised for a moment, but then... I realized it felt kind of good. I had been hiding my humanity for so long that I had forgotten how good it felt to be cared about. When he pulled away I fixed my icy gaze on him, steeling myself for whatwas coming next.

"Ben, I need to tell you a story."


"I need you to know about this piece of my past."

"Of course." he grasped my hand.

"You know me as the ice queen... Well, that wasn't always my nickname. I use to be someone else..."

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