Chapter 13

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Winter P.O.V
I opened the door to reveal Ruby looking a bit saddened than I've ever seen her, this was concerning for me as she's never acted like this before.

Ruby: "Can I come inside winter?"

Winter: "Sure Ruby"

I let Ruby inside my room, she sat on my bed with her head hung low to not show her eyes to me.

Winter: "is something the matter Ruby?"

Ruby: ".....Yes"

Winter: "Then tell me what it is, please"

Ruby: ".....What if we can't get home? What would happen to us?"

Winter: "I-I-I don't know what will happen to us or even if we go home, do we have to stay here forever?"

Ruby: "is it alright if I stay with you tonight?"

Winter: "Of course Ruby"

Ruby: "Thanks"

She immediately left to go back to her room as it's still 5:24, I heard my stomach growl to show that I was hungry. I decided to start going downstairs so I opened my wooden door to the corridor of the dormitory, I slowly treaded towards the stairs and went slowly down them.

As I was walking downstairs I saw some of the students talking amongst themselves so it would be best not to disturb them. I walked towards the kitchen area to try and find something to eat since I've been starving but was stopped by a person with spiked blonde hair with red eyes.

???: "Are you in league with that other Deku?"

Winter: "And if I am?"

???: "Because if you are I'm going to kill you"

???2: "Bakugou stop it"

???: "Shut up shitty hair, we don't know what she's capable of"

Bakugou: "Now answer the question"

Winter: "I'm not but you really are making me want to be in league with him after the way you have acted in front of me"

Bakugou: "Why you!"

Explosions came out of his hands, what an interesting power but only if he was less arrogant with his power. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and stabbed it into the table in front of me, my summoning circle started to be around the knife which produced a Lancer Grimm, I lifted the knife up to point it at this Bakugou person. The lancer immediately tried to use its stinger to stab him, Bakugou instantly user his quirk to blast it which made it disintegrate.

Winter: "It's best if you calm down since none of us want to fight at this time at night"

Bakugou: "Fine but I'll be keeping my eyes on you as well as the others"

With him gone I started to look through the cupboards to find anything that I could eat, a few minutes later I found some cereal brand called Lucky charms. I started opening the box to get the cereal out into a bowl that I found nearby, I was going to eat peacefully until a pink skinned lady with yellow antennas? If that's what they are came towards me.

???: "So your the new person, I never got to introduce myself I'm Mina ashido"

Winter: "A pleasure to meet you Mina"

Mina: "To you too Winter, I came over here since you looked so alone and I'm sorry for Bakugou's behaviour towards you"

Winter: "no it's fine to not trust me or anyone from another universe since I would have done the same in our universe"

Mina: "At least we have an understanding of this situation and how all of us would react to it"

I then felt an arm slither around my neck, I turn slightly to see Ruby holding me tightly like she was afraid of something.

Mina: "Well hello there"

Ruby: ".....Hi"

She sounded so tired and exhausted, she definitely needs some good rest tonight.

Mina: "Mine name is Mina and you must be Ruby right?"

Ruby: "That I am"

Mina: "You sound exhausted"

Ruby: "I am with this day and just want to sleep it off but I have a feeling I won't be able to"

Winter: "Hopefully not"

With that their was a bright light covered the whole room, a few seconds later to reveal a short girl with brown hair and a slightly taller blue haired girl.

???: "Max is this your doing?"

???: "No Chloe do you think I'm possible of doing this"

Chloe: "Of course I do Caulfield and with your time ability"

Max: "I mean I can reverse time but that's all I can do Chloe not whatever this is"

Chloe: "Sure Max that's totally believable"

Ruby: "Me and my big mouth"

Winter: "Well this is unexpected"

Both women looked towards us to observe the group I'm apart of.

Max: "Excuse me but can you tell us where we are?"

Mina: "You guys are in Japan so I guess I'm supposed to say welcome"

End of chapter 13, chapters will be a bit more shorter from now on

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