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Having a friend like Tameka has been a blessing from day one, and since I don't really fuck with too many she was one of the lucky ones.
See I first met her while I was working at a department store; she would come in every other weekend as if it was a ritual or something. I would always greet her, and she was always so kind. I think I truly fell in love with her elegance and beauty and how gentle she was with people even when they did her dirty. She would greet people with so much respect and always help customers even when we had workers hell we almost gave her a job cause she was bringing in money even though she didn't know that she was. As I saw her on the regular we ended up having inside conversations, she never knew her warm spirit brightened my days; I was in my second year of college at the time and trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. One day I invited her to lunch and she accepted, and ever since then we grew close, I don't fuck with many but for her I made an exception.
About a few years ago she introduced me to her man and I was very happy for her and her happiness. The guy treated her like a princess and I longed for that. As a best friend my job was to be there whenever she needed me and that's what I vowed to do. To events and parties, I always attended. Me and her guy even became close, but not on no funny shit that was bro all day every day. He even talked to me about buying her land and building a house from the ground up and I was so excited so I donated money and pitched in and when he told me about the business that she wanted to start I invested in that to and helped him find the land so that she could build her foundation on and it was a great pick if I do say so myself. I remember when her entire world came crashing down and yup I was there to console her, like I said I'm my sister's keeper. He told me that he wanted to propose on that weekend, but he needed something to keep her busy, so I heard of a party that he could take her to.
On the night of the party everything was going great until all of a sudden cops rained in and handcuffed him, the look on our face read confusion and we couldn't understand what was going on. As they took him out we asked all kind of questions and they claimed they got a call about a murder and some shit. I knew damn well that he never did it and I knew he was innocent. That was the lowest point in her life and she went through a state of depression with no hope of healing. Even on his trial there was no luck, and everything was such a blur and he was sent away. As a dedicated girlfriend she did everything that she could to make sure that he was taken care of. Suddenly he vanished like a kite in thin air or something and we stopped hearing from him, when we went up to the jail and asked where he was located they claim they couldn't tell us and I found that quite strange. We started looking on the internet for feasible options but came up empty. We even tried to hire private investigators to help us out and they claim they couldn't find anything. She finally gave up and settled that we would never find anything; she damn near stopped her business.
As her sister I encouraged her to keep going and how he would want her to shine so she maintained, and I was by her side all the way. I decided to help her cause I was tired of seeing her in so much pain, so I gave her half of my funds to help her business grow and out of nowhere she started getting help, we don't know where it came from, but she was eternally grateful for all the help.
As I gathered my books and headed to my car I decided to make a call to one of my home girls in the prison society and see if she could help me, it was time for my sis to get the closure that she deserved. I pray we find him cause deep in my heart I don't believe that he's dead at all. In fact, I think that something went terribly wrong and someone did him in bad and whoever did this was going to feel my wrath. They owe her a lifetime of apologies and I will be there when everything unfolds. As I dialed the number and waited for someone to answer I had an eerie feeling deep inside and it bothered me so much.
"Hey girl what's up?"
"Oh my god what's going on how's school going?"
"It's good look I need your help with something and I hope you can assist me in my quest."
"What's going on?"
"Well do you remember my best friend and the situation I told you about? I was wondering can you investigate it. Lately I've been having these reoccurring dreams and you know I go off instincts."
"Yeah, I know you always been that way ever since I knew you, just give me the info and I'll get on it."
"Ok his name was Kendell Charles and her name is Tameka shivers, see her boyfriend was taken away on some faulty charges and I knew he didn't do it so now im trying to figure out what happened, they wouldn't give us any info about where he was sent to or any updates on the case and we just found that strange."
"Wow this sounds like a good one I'll get on it and hit you back when I find something im sure we can figure this out and get the answers that she deserves, I'll call you when I get something it may take a while but just know that we will crack this case sooner or later."
"Thank you girl I knew you would come though I'll be waiting for your info." 
"No problem boo I got you."
"Before you go, and this may sound strange, but can you look up a girl named Tammy Sutton? "
"Why should I look her up and what's her lingo?"
"She happens to be Tameka's best friend as well, but I don't trust her and I want to get all the evidence I need to bring her down and settle the case."  Laughing she agreed to help and I was happy about that.
As I hung up I drove to my place ready to rest and sit and wait on the answers.  I couldn't stand Tammy and I knew she couldn't stand me and when I'm around I get bad feelings. Even through Tameka claims that she's quote on quote good people I can't tell but as her best friend I'm here for the ride. She always wants to pop off at the mouth and say some slick shit and I always got to check her. I was tired of her always bringing my sis down with her fake words of wisdom and the way she delt with situations and I couldn't wait to bring her down I know it's something with her and I can't wait to find out the truth.
As I arrived at the little condo I lived in, I entered feeling the air and felt good to be home. I decided to cook me a small meal and get some studying done before bed, it was Friday but I wasn't the type to go out and stunt. I always kept a low profile, but I remember I was visiting my bestie and wanted to show her a good time, so I decided that we would go out and she can finally have a little fun. Ever since she lost the love of her life she hasn't been out, and it hurts. I would never rush her to move on or have fun, but we agreed that we would have a little fun on my visit.
As I finished up my meal I decided to take my shower and do a little reading for my finals that were coming up. I was in nursing school and I was determined to follow my dreams. Ever since I was little and old enough to learn being a nurse for some reason always fascinated me. My mom was a doctor, so she took me under her wing and taught me everything that she knew. Now I strive for excellence. Speaking of my parents I decided to visit them while I was in town, I missed them and the home cook meals that they would  always prepare when I touched down. I decided to get my menu ready cause both my mom and dad were great cooks and since it was the mouth before summer ended I knew they probably had something planed and I couldn't wait to see what was in store.
I often wondered why I wasn't in a relationship and happy, maybe cause school was a focus and I wouldn't let anyone stop me and maybe I was afraid that someone would try and stop my passion. Standing in the mirror I stared at myself and noticed how beautiful I really was, standing at 4'11 and 110 pounds, brown eyes and mocha skin I knew I was the shit. Laughing to myself I took my shower and got prepared for my study hour. I was lost when I heard my phone ring answering it I noticed it was a number I didn't recognized but I decided to answer it and see who it was, I always been a little curious about things, so I took a chance.
"Hello who is this?"
"Girl I'm sorry this is my new house number"
"Oh, girl what's going on did you find anything yet?"
"Not yet but I do need a little more info from you cause I think this is definitely a case that will be cracked soon."  My friend Tasha said.
"Oh, ok that's good what info do you need?"
As she explained what she needed I gave it to her and we got down to business on the case and even exposing that Tammy for the liar she was. I knew that in my spirit she was no good and she pretends to care about Tameka's feelings even when I know she doesn't. Im good at reading people, Im so good that my mom called me a little detective in the making. I was sure that she was a flaw and I couldn't wait to see her face when I call her out.
When I got off the phone I remembered how Tameka would always tell me to stay in school even though I wanted to stay and help her out of her funk and pain she told me that going to school would be enough for her. I can't wait until she got her ending. All the love she gives everyone else she deserved peace. Her parents have always been there just like mine were and after all the pain she's been through and going through now she needs a dedicated support system to stand behind her and give her the push that she needs to go on. Even through her business is going well and she's living life she's still incomplete without her heart and as soon as she gets it back Ima be around to make sure she stays happy and stress free.
As I prepared for bed and said my prayers I prayed that God kept her at ease and safe on tonight and that he reveals the truth and get us closer to the end of this long tunnel. I also prayed that I could stay out of jail for the pain that was about to take place, but I felt that things were about to take a turn for the worse and get shook the hell up. It was no problem because I always been ready for war and best believe I was go fight or kill and do whatever I had to just to protect Tameka. I don't fuck with many but when I fuck with you I ride deep, and my loyalty is strong but only if you're worth it

My Sister's Keeper: A Tale Of Two Faces PART ONE Where stories live. Discover now