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"Ok that will be all for today" I said dismissing my clients.
I was just finishing up a meeting in my conference room  at the building of "Crystal Waters" it has been a hair care line that I started to treat for damaged hair and to properly take care of it in the right way. I had this dream ever since I was young, my mom always told me that I had a talent and so when I completed my masters I decided to peruse it. My love Kendell found this building and invested time and money to set it up for me; he even found clients and helped me with the business plans.
"ughh" I said out loud as the tears started to fall.
Just the mention of his name sent chills down my spine.
About five years ago he was taken from me due to a crime he never committed; I tried to free him but had no luck in doing so. After about two  years I lost track of him and never heard from him again. I don't know whether he's dead or alive but after so many years I decided that maybe I will never see him again and to my expectation I never did. Ever since the tragedy of events happened I haven't dated, nor have I wanted to. The way we loved each other I figured no man could treat me like he did, so I never gave love another chance and I don't think I ever will. My friends have been trying to get me to date but my heart is still wanting Kendell and deep inside I'm still hoping for his return someday.
Standing at 5'1 and 118 lbs. laced with chocolate skin, hazel eyes and juicy plump lips I know I'm beautiful and very desirable. I get all kinds of looks and passes but I turn them all down. My two best friend's Tammy and Charmaine tell me all the time that Kendell would want me to move on and be happy, but I just don't think I can I was almost a married woman and now I'm back to where I started.
As I stood up getting prepared to leave I checked out my sells and was very proud of my success. The company was doing well, and I owe it all to Kendell for helping me reach the top.
It was around five in the afternoon and I was ready to go home and relax since I never went anywhere or did anything. I was a little startled by the ringing of my phone; I reached inside my hand bag to answer it.
I checked the caller id and saw that it was my best friend Tammy, we have been friends for 2 years and she's very helpful when I need her. My other best fried Charmaine was away finishing up her medical degree and lord knows I miss her something terrible. When I was going through my deep depression from the chaos  of this entire Kendell situation  she was right there and never left my side, but I told her that she needed to finish up her schooling and never stop her life on the count of my heartbreak. She was a little salty because she wanted to stay but she agreed to finish and make it back to me when she could. She calls me all the time to check and see if I'm ok I will be forever grateful for her.
"Hello girl you must be outside". I spoke into the phone.
"Yeah come on out and I got food cause I know you forgot your lunch at home."
"Good looking girl I'll be out in a minute."
After I hung up the phone and gathered my things to leave I made my way through the double doors.
"Hey beautiful do you need a ride?"  A very handsome gentlemen said to me.
"No I'm fine" I smiled at the guy walking out. See what I told you I get attention everywhere that I go. 
As I stepped outside I felt the sun on my skin and welcomed the sweet sunshine upon my beauty. I loved the way my skin glowed whenever it was bright outside. I looked up and saw Tammy as she pulled up in her new escalade.
"Hey Tam" I said opening the door to get in the car.
"Hey girl it's in the back seat waiting on you."
"Thank you hun" I said reaching in the back grabbing the plate of Chinese food.
She always knew what I liked, and she made sure I was feed. I don't understand why Charmaine never liked her, but for some reason they never got alone
"Girl when is you going to date again? Ever since Kendell left you been down in the dumps and I haven't known you long but girl look at you you're  beautiful and you deserve to move on, I mean if he loved you he would've tried to come back to you don't you agree.?" 
My blood was boiling at this point and not from the heat. I shot a look in her direction as the tears started to fall she always brought his name up whenever she picked me up from work. I didn't understand why she felt the need to reopen wombs knowing that I was still healing and getting over his disappearance. I understand that it's been a long time but damn if the thought keeps coming how can I heal?
"Opps did I say that out load?" She said with a hint or sarcasm in her voice.
"Yes, you did can you take me home I don't feel like the company anymore." I said to her as calmly as I knew how.
"Girl don't you want to go out tonight and have fun your always in the house and besides it's time to move on with your life.
"Well I'm not ready and I won't move on until I am is that clear? "  I said with much attitude. She had some damn nerve.
"Ok damn you don't have to chew me out I was just trying to add some excitement to your boring little life."
"Take me home please" I said above a whisper trying not to get more upset.
The rest of the ride was silent, and I didn't mind at all, I needed to get my car out the shop cause I swear sometimes Tammy can be a pain. As we pulled up to my house I quickly jumped out not giving her a chance to speak or apologize for her outburst that she made in the car. I unlocked my door and removed my shoes from my feet, placed my bag on the table and made my way to the kitchen. After placing my food up, I grabbed my caramel ice-cream out the freezer and made my way to the living room but before I sat down I grabbed the  picture  of me and Kendell from the table and took a seat. As I stared at it I begin to reminisce of how we use to be. His touch his kiss the way he held me and reassured me that everything would be alight in times when I needed it the most. How I wish he was here to just erase all my pain and chase my blues away. Maybe Tammy was right maybe I need to move on and date again.
"What do you think I should do?" I spoke to the picture as if he could hear me.
I felt a calm wind and it scared the shit out of me, but yet it felt calm and soothing. I got up and found my blanket and pillow; I decided to watch movies until I got tired. My head was wondering if I should indeed let go and start over and possibly give my heart another chance after all these years maybe he would want me to be happy. My heart will always be open just in case he returned.
I was interrupted by the sound of my phone; I got up off the couch and placed my picture and ice cream on the table as I walked to the table where my bag was  to answer it. When I saw who it was my heart smiled. It was my main girl Charmaine.
"BABES"!! I screamed in the speaker of the phone.
"Hey baby cakes what you doing?"
"Nothing, just watching movies what about you how's school?"
"School is fine I missed you babes how's the business treating you?"
"It's good still a success but ..."
"Oh, babe I know its ok I wish he was by your side to and I hope you smile again one day."
"Thank you love you always cheer me up when I'm down."
"Well that's what real best friends do and that's something that Tammy could never do."  I laughed cause I knew she couldn't stand Tammy and every time she brought her up she would take that time to be messy.
"Girl cut it out, but she did upset me today."
"What the bitch do now?"  She asked with much attitude. 
"She said how I needed to move on and how Kendell would want me to move on and how my life was boring".
"Child she needs to sit her dusty crusty ass down and leave you alone, if she understood the pain that you were going through and how close yall was she wouldn't be rushing you to try again."
"I know right but that's Tammy for you always giving her opinion even when no one asked."
"How about I come in town next week and we can chill and relax, and you can forget about your troubles?"
"That would be refreshing thanks babe."
"Ok I'll fly out after my last exam and then it's all about you."
I was in much need of her visit so when she offered I was all perked up. She always popped up whenever I was feeling low and always made the troubles not seem so bad. Yeah, she wanted me to move on too but she wasn't rushing me like Tammy was.
After we got off the phone and planed everything I decided that I was ready to lay it down for the night, I closed the blinds and took care of downstairs. I made my way to my room and admired how spacious it was. I had it decked out in the colors of gold and black. Complete with a queen size bed and flat screen TV and a walk-in closet. I remember when Kendell first surprised me with this house and had it decorated just the way I dreamed it. He was always showing me tokens of affection and I adored him so much.
As I prepared for my shower, I gathered my body wash I set the water to my liking. After stripping out of my clothes I  stepped in the warm hot soothing shower. As the water trickled down my skin I thought about how it would feel to make love to him again and feel his body on mine. As I closed my eyes I imagined his kisses and him stroking my body just right.
"Ahh shit" I reached between my legs and started to please myself while calling his name. "Damn Kendell right there."
As I opened my eyes and felt close to my orgasm I let it take over my body as my body shook. As the tears blurred my vision. I washed my body and got out and wrapped myself in the towel. I decided to wear one of his old shirts and a pair of his boxer shorts. As I sprayed his cologne all over my body I smiled cause this was his favorite. I got on my knees and decided to say my nightly prayers before I went to sleep.
"Lord in the name of Jesus please watch over me tonight as I sleep. Guide my mind and spirit to make the right decisions. Lord please help me to seek understanding and be willing to love again someday Please help me find love or at least someone to mend my broken heart. Lord I guess it's time to move on but how? Can you give me a sign and a slight chance of hope? If Kendell is out there somewhere, please protect him and if it's your will please bring him back to me in one piece. In your son name I pray Amen."
I grabbed his picture off the nightstand  and placed it on the pillow next to me and waited for sleep to find me. Maybe Tammy had a point, maybe I'm wasting too much time and maybe I need to love again but who will fulfill his shoes and be the man that I need? Who will heal my broken heart from the pain? I truly wanted love again, but I was so scared to try and since I was promised forever by Kendell I just wasn't sure of what to do. I truly hoped that I can finally move on and one thing is for sure is that I would never let his memory go.

My Sister's Keeper: A Tale Of Two Faces PART ONE Where stories live. Discover now