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Being in love was truly a blessing and a breath of fresh air and that's exactly what I found when I met Tameka. She always had my back and stayed down and to return her love I gave her my entire heart and soul and vowed to make her my wife, but unfortunately, I was snatched away from my future when those damn cops and these false charges ruined my happily ever after. Seeing her tears damn near killed me and being away from her every day I was contemplating suicide, but I knew that one day I would see her again. I had a down ass chick and as long as she could she made sure she came to see me and made sure I had money on my books, hell she even hired lawyers and everything to help me out of the jam that I was in but nothing worked out for me and I was stuck in the system. When I was transported out the states and couldn't be found I knew she had no choice but to give up and that was the last time I heard from her.
I thought back on the business that I helped her plan and I had connections and heard that it was a booming success and decided to continue to help but she never knew that I had anything to do with it. I was kind of on lockdown and snuck a phone and things to make sure that her business stayed afloat. I wasn't able to contact her, or I would be killed so that hurt the most that I couldn't hear her sweet voice and not have her sweet kisses and love surrounding me. I made sure that she had money coming in and the best workers that I could possibly find.
I had my homeboy sending them and I was happy to know that everything was going great in her favor, she deserved the world and I tried to provide her with everything that she needed.  That bitch Tammy was a pain in my side and I prayed she didn't get close to Tameka but I heard she did and I wanted to dead that bitch for real and end her entire existence but I knew that if I wanted to plan this out I had to make my escape and so one night I ran and paid the guards off with this secret connection that I had. A nigga was glad to be free, but I knew that this journey was just beginning, and I had to change my appearance   so that Tammy wouldn't find me. So I decided to cut my hair,  cover my tattoos and even change the way I us e to dress. As I finished up I had to find a place to stay and all that, so I decided to get a small apartment and stay low key. I missed a lot in life ever since I was locked away and to hear my parents passed away was a crusher indeed. I had no love to help me through my tough times. Yeah, I had friends, but I needed family and since I was the only child I had no siblings to help me plot but I knew exactly who to call and I'm sure she would be very down, and that was Tameka's best friend Charmaine. I didn't know how to contact her but I'll figure that out soon.
As I took a shower and prepared to rest I wondered did she ever move on and who was loving her? Or did she stay single, but still had hopes that I would come back to her some day?  I often wondered about her and how our children would come out? I knew that this would be a long ride and I was ready for it. My baby was out there and I was going  find her and wrap her back in my arms I was sure of it. I wanted my heart to beat right again and without her my soul cried daily and I had an irregular heartbeat and I knew that was strange but that was my situation.
I could easily move on but deep down I knew that there was only one queen for me and soon she will be Mrs. Charles so I made it my mission to find her and bring her back safe and sound to my heart and I hope I wasn't too late. If she did move on I would accept it but deep down I knew she held me close and would run away with me because I would do the same for her if I had to with no questions asked. She was everything and then some and I knew my mother would have loved to see the women that she has become and my dad would treat her like she was his. She just had that sweetest spirit and could warm up any heart when she came around. She kept a bright smile and a sweet personality; besides her beauty I fell in love with her style and grace. She would cook and make love to me crazy and I would always pull out cause she was saving kids for marriage and I accepted her ways and made them my own. Just thinking about how I was close to making dreams come true I started to cry silent tears. Yes, I cried and so what?  They say that man wasn't supposed to cry, but if you have been though the pain that I have hell you would cry to.
Being tortured and beat and forced to stay in a location that you were not sure of freedom it was very difficult at times to deal with and the pain almost made it impossible to live . I tried to escape many times but was almost caught and almost killed but I decided to not give up and plan my moves and now I was out it was bittersweet, but I was doing this and taking a chance in finding my baby girl again. As I prepared for rest I said a quick prayer and I hope that this worked out in my favor cause if not I would be totally broken forever.
Today must be fuck with Tameka day cause when I got to work I got the surprise of my life. It doesn't help that I woke up in this damn mood now I have to deal with writing on the walls and workers tied up and money missing.
I don't mess with no one have beef with not a sole  so I'm trying to figure out who would want to come for me like this and try to destroy a business that I put my all into? What if I lose workers and possibly my business? Hell, I'm close to losing my sanity. With all that's going on I feel trapped and not only that I keep scratching like I'm on drugs.
I removed myself from my desk and walked to the bathroom to see spots on my skin like I broke out with something. Earlier this morning when Tammy brought me my food I was very satisfied and happy but also filled with thoughts. Work has always been a place for me to clear my head and get my thoughts together and now work isn't helping at all. I feel like I'm being set up but who could it be?
I decided to take a long walk to clear my head, I didn't feel like bothering Tammy with my mess and I knew that Charmaine had class, so I didn't want to interrupt her while she was learning. I put education first and always told her to do the same and I would be devastated if she missed a lesson because of my drama story. I thought about my parents and how I haven't been over in a while and made a mental note to stop by this weekend. They always taught me as a child to keep a positive energy around me and keep good company, but what they didn't prepare me for was the pain that I would have to endure with every walk of life that I took. The crazy thing about it was they were very much dead but the house always brought peace to my soul and it still had the scent of them inside of it, so I was sure to get a comforting feeling.
I decided to leave my best workers in charge while I stepped out for a moment. The breeze relaxed me as I took a stroll through this nearby neighborhood. I was getting all kinds of looks from guys and I knew that I was attractive, but damn can I walk without all the attention? I ended up at this bar and decided to walk in. I don't usually drink but today I needed something to calm my nerves. I ended up sitting next to this guy and I started feeling hot all over. He was so sexy I can't lie and for a moment I imagined Kendell. His eyes read pain and hurt yet his body read sex. I shook all my thoughts and ordered my drink. I found myself drooling over him and thought to myself that it's been a long time since I felt this way. I was interrupted when he tapped me on my shoulder.
"Hey, how are you?"
"I'm okay, could be better."
"What brings you here in the middle of the day?"
"I just needed the air, why are you here since you're so concerned with my where abouts?"
I didn't mean to be rude but the day im having I didn't feel like talking to no one and the way he looked I was sure to cry in a minute cause he looked just like Kendell, but I knew it couldn't be him, so I shook the thoughts off and proceeded to sip my drink as he gave me a warm smile. Besides Kendell had long dreads and plenty of tattoos and he would never dress this way, but don't get me wrong he was still a fly dresser whoever this handsome stranger was.
"My apologies beautiful, you just seem like you needed to talk so I figured I could help but I'll leave you alone but take my number and hit me up when you're ready to talk.
"Look I have to go I'll see you around." I said as I quickly got up to leave.
I didn't mean to rush out and leave him standing there stuck, but his looks scared the hell out of me and my mind was clouded, and I was feeling dizzy as hell. I made my way back to my office and locked my door as the tears started to fall I was feeling so lost. After my emotional breakdown I made a few calls to get new cameras cause I figured these that I had installed were broken cause they didn't capture nothing. I also got new locks and decided to keep a closer eye on my space cause something wasn't adding up at all. I decided to stay to myself for the rest of the day and get some much-needed work done.
As the day was coming to an end Tammy came to pick me up I decided to check on my car because I truly missed having my own ride. Don't get me wrong I didn't mind Tammy escorting me anywhere, but I wanted to feel free again and come and go as I please.
"What's up Tammy how are you doing today?"
"I'm good what's wrong with you and what's that on your face?"
I damn near forgot about these patches and the pain I was feeling so I stopped by wall greens to get something to treat it. As we rode, and I told her the events of my day she showed very little sympathy and I'm trying to guess what her problem is. I guess she's going through her own mess, so I didn't speak on it. I just wanted to go home and chill I didn't feel like talking or going nowhere and I was still feeling shook from the bar experience.
When she dropped me off home I found a letter on my door saying something about some kind of tax problem. I had a confused look cause everything was up to par with my house, so I knew that this has had to be a mistake. As I made it inside my house I had an eerie feeling deep down in my stomach and decided to brush it off and try not to panic.
I needed something to chill me once again, so I decided to cook me something to eat. Sometimes when I needed to clear my head I cooked and cleaned. I made spaghetti and garlic bread and decided to clean up. I called to check on my car and they told me that it was ready and that I could come and pick it up. I was happy about that and very excited. I kept the car that he brought me one year for my birthday, I just couldn't part with it, it had loads of memories and I was afraid to let it slip away from me, I decided to call the tax place in the morning to see what was going on cause I was still confused about all of the drama that was going on and just wanted a stop all of this hell that was going on in my life. As I laid down for the night I prayed over my life and hope that things could get better for me and all the drama could pause but little did I know the drama had just begun

My Sister's Keeper: A Tale Of Two Faces PART ONE Where stories live. Discover now