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I was sitting back thinking about the hell I know I caused by burning down those houses and the hell I was about to cause to that angel bitches business. I was about to cause damage and take half a million dollars and start a rant about her so that she will lose customers and she would have no idea that it was me. Maybe I should break up business deals while I'm at it. I was on a mission to ruin everything and take away everything that she held dear and near to her. I also thought about that little run in that I had with fuck boy Kendell and knew that he would be scared to try me. As I was sitting in my office my phone rung and it was my babe, wonder what he wanted, I mean I didn't mind him calling but he just left, and I was mad at him cause he was going to take out that bitch. I don't know why I was so upset but lately I've been in my feelings.
"Yes, babe what is it?"
"Babe did you know that this bitch brought this bitch and her family houses and in an expensive neighborhood?"
"Babe what the hell you mean, how you found this out? "
"Now you know I got people following them and clocking their every move."
I was frustrated and very inpatient, I was ready to kill her and get it over with, but I knew I had to chill for now and play the whole thing out.
Without hearing another word, I hung up on him and proceeded out the front door. I made it to her business and placed my disguise on. I took my bat and bashed in the windows and ran in there with my loaded gun and shot a few of her workers down. Then I made it to her office and placed the gun on her desk, I guess she was on her lunch break, so I knew I needed to hurry up and make my escape. I decided to make my way out her office window and bust it on my way out. I didn't have time to grab the money but I'm sure the damage will be well worth it when she had to explain what happened to the cops. I had someone else to come and grab the tapes for me so once again I wouldn't get caught up in anything.
I decided to call the police and make it sound like a crime scene that I ran into. After thirty minutes Tameka was making her way back and damn near had a heart attack seeing the damage that was done.
"Gil what the hell happened here did you see anything?" She said to me in a panic tone.
"No girl I was coming to check on you and I ran into this and I'm just as shocked as you are."
"Mrs. Shivers were gonna need you to come with us." The cops said to her.
"What's the problem officers I just came back from lunch and ..."
"Ma'am can you explain this gun that we found on your desk?"
Her mouth hung open and I stood there laughing in my head, she was gonna be put away and I couldn't be happier.
"Sir I have never used a gun before like this and why would I do this?"
"Good question and besides we found no handprints so were just as curious as you are, were gonna need you to come downtown with us for questioning."
As she got in the back of the police car I made my way back to my wheels and off premises I went. As I hurried home I called Jonathan and told him what I did, He pissed me off cause he said he was going down to bail her out and said I was fucking up his plan, I must admit that I did go kind of far but hey what can I say I was feeling a little bored and wanted something to do. I sat back and decided to pour me up a drink and come up with more dirty deeds. I was ready for war and I wouldn't stop until I had everything I wanted and needed. Victory would be mine sooner or later.

As I made it to the police station to help Tameka get out, I was thinking of something nice to say to her so that I could get my plan started. As I walked in I saw her being released and wondered what happened and I knew that she would be shocked to see me here and wondered how I knew. I couldn't tell her what I knew, and luckily I didn't have to, it was all over the TV and word was spreading like wild fire.
"Hey baby girl what happened are you ok?"
"Jonathan what you doing here?"
"It's all over the news; do you know what happened, and who could have done this to you?"
"No but they got something coming for them, they messed with the wrong business and the wrong women."
"I'll help you figure al this out but let's get you out of here, this environment is not for you."
As we walked out I held her hand as we made our way to my ride, I drove her to her house.
"You want to come in for a minute?" She asked me.
"Sure baby, I got to make sure you're safe anyway."
I couldn't get over how nice her place was and how she kept everything so neat. She made her way to the kitchen and I knew it was time for my move. She was standing over the sink as I snuck up and wrapped my arms around her waist.
"Babe are you okay?" I whispered in her ear.
"I'm good, just need a drink and a nice nap to help me relax. "
"What do you have?"
"Well I have some wine and liquor, and right now ima have some wine, would you like a glass? "
"Yeah, I would love some but why don't I fix the drinks and you go run you a bath and I'll wait on you down here until you're done."
"I don't know you like that, but ima take a quick shower and be right back."
As she made her way upstairs I fixed the drinks and poured this powder in her drink and made sure to mix it well so that she wouldn't see or taste it. After about thirty minutes she made it back down and was looking comfortable.
"I got the drinks ready for us why don't we watch a movie and get settled on the couch."
"What do you wanna watch?"
"Anything is fine I just need you to relax you had a long day and it's time to chill."
As we watched Jumanji, I decided to start a conversation I knew she would be getting sleepy soon, so I had to hurry up.
"So, are you ready to be mine yet so we can get to love and all that good shit?"
"I guess so, I mean he's not returning so I mind as well move on and start over so yes I'll be yours."
"That's good", I told her as I kissed her on the check and cuddled with her on the couch.
"So, tell me a little about your business and what you do, you self-own right?"
"Yeah, I've been at it for some years and it's been going good well until recently, I mean I worked hard and I didn't know what or who would want to try and stop me. I mean I don't bother no one and I'm always careful about the company I keep so I don't have a clue about any of this."
"It's ok babe I won't let whoever did this hurt you again I promise."
"Uh, baby I'm getting sleepy I think Ima call this a day or night or whatever" she said as she yawned.
"Ok babe you wanna do something tomorrow or something?"
"Sure, but damn I'm dizzy."
"Okay well let me tuck you in and make my way home, I'll miss you."
As I got up she was slowly falling asleep, so I tucked her in and made my way out, as I got in my ride I made my way back to my fiancé. I would keep the powder handy just in case I needed it again at any moment,but I knew the ride that I was getting ready to take I would need it all the time.
"Girl, what happened and are you okay?" I asked Tameka.
"Yeah, girl I'm good, Jonathan ended up picking me up and we ended up having a drink at my place."
"Girl, you sure you making the right choice? "
"What you mean, aint like I'm giving up the box we just had a drink and he was nice enough to help me home."
"Ok you're grown but be careful you know I would act a fool if something happened to you."
"I know girl, but you know maybe Tammy had a point, I mean Kendell is never coming back so it's time I move on and be happy again."
I was sitting in my living room chilling with my fire ass lemon ice tea, yesterday I saw the news and had to hit up my bestie and see if she was ok. I would have called last night but me and my parents went out to dinner and we got back in late. She was telling me about the dude Jonathan, and I knew she was in danger, but I had no proof until he made his move and I know that Mario was Kendell and Tammy was a fraud, but I couldn't tell a thing and it was killing me. I was happy that my girl was taking all of this well even through her whole business could be in trouble and her future could be destroyed.
"Are you listening to me?" She said knocking me out of my thoughts.
"Oh, girl my bad what you say."
"I was saying how Jonathan was taking me out to lunch and wondered if you wanted to meet him?"
"Is Tammy coming to?"
"No, she said she was sick or something."
"Well shit I'm down then give me a few and let me freshen up and I'll meet you there."
"Girl why can't you stand Tammy, she's not bad when you get to know her."
"I just get a bad vibe around her and I know something is off with her and one day you will see it to."
"Girl chill and cut her some slack."
"So, girl what are you wearing on this little lunch date? " I asked cutting her off cause this was not the time for all that.
"I don't know I may need an opinion, so I might hit up your homeboy Mario and see if he can help since we pose to be friends or whatever,"
"Girl yeah hit him up I use him for stuff like that to" I said laughing keeping the mood as smooth as possible.
"Girl you a mess, well let me get off this phone and hit up Mario and get this day started, meet us at Red Lobster around three."
"Okay girl I'll see ya".
After I hung up I decided to call Kendell and tell him that he would be getting a surprise in a few, I knew that he would be more than happy.
"Hey Kendell, my dude, what's Poppin?"
"Man, I'm chillen what's good witchu?" He responded in a mellow tone.
"Get up you on your way to the mall with your lover she need an opinion for her date."
"Who the fuck she dating?" I heard the anger in his voice, but I needed him to stick to the plan.
"My dude don't worry this won't last long especially if Tammy working behind this so for right now be a good boy and chill and soon she will be all yours and yall can continue yall happily ever after. "
"Okay, I got you I'll pretend for as long as I can I can't wait for this shit to be over. "
"Well I'll leave you to get ready to leave and I got to get ready to meet them later I would invite you, but I know how this might go so for his safety I'll just let you in on the details later."
"Okay one."
As I hung up I decided to take a little nap until it was time to go.
At two I got up and got ready . I decided to place some cute little curls in my hair and wear a nice sun dress. As I gathered my things and checked on my parents I headed out. When I got there, I saw that he was really trying to reel her in with these flowers and damn nice gestures. I put on a nice smile and made my way to the table. I saw his face twist up as if he wasn't expecting no one to come.
"Uh baby what's this it's only pose to be me and you I thought." He said to her as calmly as he could.
"I just thought that I would let my friend meet you, you know how us girls do it." She responded to him not catching his temper.
I peeped the anger on his face as if he wanted to put his hands on her and I knew I had to text Kendell and warn him about this guy.
"Oh well I'm Jonathan and you can go now we don't need you here." He said to me not caring if he was rude or not.
"Babe what's wrong with you? "She looked at him giggling.
"Nothing I just wanted to be alone with you and I wasn't prepared for no one to join but I guess she can stay."
"Don't do my friend like that, she means no harm I promise."
As we ate I felt very uncomfortable, but I stayed just in case something popped off. After that awkward lunch was over I made it back home and informed Kendell and he told me that it might be the same Jonathan that had him captured and if it was then she was definitely in trouble. I wasn't sure what to expect but I was ready for whatever.

My Sister's Keeper: A Tale Of Two Faces PART ONE Where stories live. Discover now