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I woke up the next morning feeling a little better and I was glad that my right hand was here to take care of me, I called Tammy and told her that tonight was going on and she said she had a surprise for me and I couldn't wait until I saw what it was. I went to the bathroom and prepared for the day. Me and Charmaine were going to have a spa day, I would invite Tammy, but they don't get along, so I wanted to keep them as far away from each other as possible. I told her to meet us tonight at the club.
For the last few days I couldn't help but to think of Kendell and wish that he was here right now to console me and tell me that everything would be okay. Lately he's been on my mind heavy ever since I saw the guy at the bar and the mechanics shop, the way he looks reminds me of Kendell, but I know it's not him. Maybe it's because I haven't been with a guy in so long that I'm missing a man's arms wrapped around me at night. Then again, I didn't want to risk getting my heart broken again and I didn't want to disrespect the memory of Kendell, but I knew it was time to let go and move on.
As I finished getting ready we headed out and made it ti the spa  by one in the afternoon.
"What do you think about me moving back here to chill with you full time for old times' sake?" Charmaine asked with a slight smile on her face.
"Are you done with school and everything?" I said kind of in a stern tone.
  "Yes, I graduate next month and would love to see you in attendance missy." She responded unfazed.
"You got it and I can't wait that would be great."
I was very excited and couldn't wait. Maybe I can get these two hot heads to get along and maybe create peace. As I laid back and relaxed I felt calm and at peace and I prayed that tonight would go well.
Later that night as we arrived at the club the music was live, and everybody was getting down. I must admit that the guys were looking good and one kept staring at me out of the corner of his eye.
"That's my surprise for you girl you better go get him and make him yours" Tammy said whispering in my ear.
I figured she would set me up with a blind date. I decided to try even though I felt wrong I knew that Kendell was never coming back, and I had to move on. I couldn't help but stare in Charmaine's direction as she was eyeing Tammy with this nasty look on her face. I gave a look that told her to chill and don't start no drama tonight.
I made my way over to the man who was staring and decided that it was now or never.
"Are you staring at me sir?"
"Well yes, I am I can't help but notice how fine you are, I'm Jonathan and you?"
He flashed me his smile and I felt like he was genuine.
"I'm Tameka and thank you it's nice to meet you."
"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl such as yourself can we get to know each other sweetie?"
"Sure, but I must warn you I haven't dated in years."
"Why not cutie, girl you to pretty to be single."
I wasn't sure about telling him my personal business, so I changed the subject.
"Uh could you buy me another drink?"
"Sure, then maybe we can dance and get to know each other."
This man was very persistent, so I said why not hell you only live once. We made it over to the dance floor after our drink, I must admit that he was a good dancer, but it was interrupted by a commotion from the table upstairs. I shot my head and none other than Charmaine and Tammy were going at it. I excused myself and made my way up the stairs to see what all the fighting was all about.
"What is going on with you to?" I shouted tying to break them apart.
"She's trying to tell me how you didn't need a date tonight and I'm trying to tell her that it's time that you move on and find somebody new since Kendell never showed up."
I didn't need this tonight.
"Tammy listen she has a point, I didn't ask for a date, but you have a point as well it was time for me to move on so can you guys please get along cause I'm on something like a date and I would like to enjoy it" I stated looking in between the two.
"Fine I'll chill but if that bitch says one thing to me again I promise I'm murkin her ass". Tammy said.
"You aint go touch me bitch you can get the business try me hoe you know I don't like yo ass." Charmaine shot back.
All of a sudden Tammy slapped Charmaine and they ended up fighting. Security had to be called because they were breaking things and destroying property. I threw my hands up and made my way back to Jonathan cause they were being escorted out in hand cuffs. He told me to take his number and go handle my friends.  I followed them out and hopped in my ride to follow them and get them from the station. My night was bitter sweet and all I wanted to do was relax and unwind. I guess the good that came out of it was meeting Jonathan. I made a mental note to call him in the morning to see if we can get this date thing started.
I guess it was time to move on and find someone new. As I got them under control and me and Charmaine made it back to my place I decided to go to bed. She apologized for causing the hell and I told her that it was okay she was only looking out for me. As I laid in bed I started at Kendell's picture and cried tears asking him to forgive me for what I was about to do I still felt that he was very much alive and I promised him to keep his memory near my heart and soul forever.
I can't believe this bitch put her hands on me and said that Tameka was moving too fast, hell this bitch been looking like a lost puppy for the longest and I was tired of seeing her sad. I wanted her to be depressed and miserable and now it was time to put her through pure hell. I wanted to leave Charmaine alone but now it was time for me to torture her ass to, all she had to do was stay out of my way and I would have let her be, but she couldn't mind her own business so now I had to get her. I decided to make a call and see if I could put some plans in motion. I decided to call the one person I knew that would do anything I needed her to, I use to work with a ruthless chick and she has always been down for me, so I knew she would be perfect for the job.
"Hey girl, what can I do for you?" she asked answering on the first ring.
"I need some damage to be done on this girl name Charmaine and let's fuck with her family to if we can."
"Ok girl let me get some locations and I'll get back at you when I can just stay by the phone it shouldn't take me that long."
"Ok thanks I'll pay you when the job is done."
After hanging up with her I decided to head to the store and find something to cook, me and Jonathan was going to have dinner tonight and I couldn't wait. It was nice to have him home with me the only part I hated was that I would have to share him for awhile but hey it was a sacrifice that I was willing to make in order to ruin lives and have the victory that I knew I deserved.
As I got to the store the weather was fair and it was the middle of the day, I made my way in the store and saw a familiar face that I wish I never had to see again. I decided to let him be because in due time he would be dead, if he would have only gave me what I wanted then maybe he would have lived a good life. I don't know what he saw in that bitch anyway she was too nice and just because she was everything a man wanted doesn't mean she was everything he needed. I could have given him all he desired but he wanted basic so that was his problem.
As I continued to shop I heard my phone vibrate indicating I had a text, I smiled at the message cause my girl said that she had the info she needed, and the plan would start in a few days. I decided to go to the mall and pick up something to impress him. There was no way in hell that I was losing him, and I was willing to do anything to keep him near. As I finished up everything I headed home to prepare a night for him that he wouldn't forget. I put the food on which consist of: Rice, corn, pork chops, honey biscuits and a lemon pie for desert. He wasn't here when I got here so I figured he was out or something. I didn't call or text him cause I wasn't the type to bother him like that. After an hour he arrived with fresh flowers and I was impressed cause I figured he was thinking the same thing that I was.
"Hey babe I fixed dinner and got you a gift I see you got me flowers you're so sweet."
"Baby these aint for you and can I take a rain check?"
"Baby are you serious what's going on?"
"I have my date with Tameka tonight and I needed to put on my best to reel her in." He kissed me and left me standing there.
I didn't complain at all I just did as I was told, I was feeling a little jealous but hey like I said it was a job to be done and soon it would be all over.
"What time will you be home tonight?"
"Around midnight I'll tell her I got to work or something and then I'll be home to fuck the shit out of you I promise my love everything will be just fine."
"Ok I'll trust you, let me at least give you some inspirational head to keep you focused.
"Ok girl let's go."
As we made our way upstairs and into the bedroom I dropped to my knees and proceeded to unbuckle his pants, as I placed him inside my mouth I kept working him until he came and then I worked some more letting him know that I was the only one that he needed.
"Thanks baby I got to go, I'll be back soon I promise."
I got up to clean myself up and decided that I would just watch movies and wait up for him to return. I was hoping she would fall in love with him and then hate him when he placed her in the hell ring. I even told him to add abuse in the mix. He doesn't hit women but for this job to be successful I needed him to do the best he could. Since she was depressed she may be weak and let him have his way with her. I just prayed that all of his hard work paid off cause if this backfired and he lost this money he might kill me, and I couldn't risk it.
After he got dressed I wanted to strip him naked cause he was looking so good and going all the way out.
"Damn babe you look good tonight."
"Well you know how I do."
"Hey, I got a question do you think you will be fucking her?"
"Only if its abuse I don't plan on enjoying it at all my body belongs to you only."
"Ok bae well have fun and hurry home to me."
As he kissed me and walked out I got my movie started and relaxed on the couch. I couldn't wait until he got home so that I could hear all about this fake ass date and laugh my ass off. The plan was going to be one that would go down in history.

I was a little disappointed that I had to leave Tammy like that, but I had a mission to complete and I couldn't fuck it up for nothing in the world. I decided to pick her up and take her somewhere nice to finesse her so that I can get my plans started and pull her in. Might add a little kiss and hug but I doubt if I enjoy this. I can't lie and say she wasn't fine as hell and the way she looked in the light was breathtaking, but I wasn't here to enjoy her.
I pulled up to her place and looked around, she lived in a nice house and very well put together neighborhood, the kind that you could raise a family in. I got out the car and made my way to her porch. As I rung the doorbell waiting for her to answer I went over the plan in my head of what I wanted to say.
"Hey there, come on in for a minute and make yourself at home let me finish getting ready."
"I got you these flowers I hope you like them."
"Aww these are cute thanks it's been such a long time." She looked at the flowers and kind of looked a little taken back but I guess she was thinking about that nigga she use to be with and I could care less but for the time being I had to pretend to give a damn.
"Are you ok dear?"
"I'm cool just thinking of my ex that's all, but no more thoughts of him it's time to move on with life I guess."
As she left to finish getting ready I decided to look around her place, it was decorated in bright colors and had a nice setting to it. I guess her ex must have done this and I was sure to fuck this all up soon but right now she was gonna fall in love and think that she got lucky to have a guy like me.
"I'm ready to go. "
I was interrupted by her walking in the room. I looked up and seen her wearing this dress that fit her curves perfectly, she wore a bright smile and light makeup. I could tell that she didn't need much to impress she was a natural and that's what made it all worth it. As we made it to my car I helped her inside.
"So, I was thinking that we could go grab a bite to eat."
"That's cool with me."
"Is there anywhere specific that you want to go tonight?"
"No, I'll let you choose, I want to be impressed can you do that?"
"I see you got jokes but yeah I got you boo."
We pulled up to red lobster and she gave me a smile, I guess I picked a nice place. I helped her out ad we made our way inside and the hostess showed us to a table.
"So, tell me a little about yourself?"
"Well let's see I haven't dated in some years cause of an unusual break up, but I guess I have to move on eventually and find something new."
"True I mean you can't be stuck in the same place, forever right?"
"True, but have you ever just been in love and all of a sudden it was taken away from you in the blink of an eye and you never understood it?"
"Well yeah but once I healed I decided to change the scenery and I knew real love was waiting somewhere, and who knows maybe we could find a new love someday."
I watched her as she laughed and I'm glad she thought this was funny cause there was no way that I would ever love her for real. We talked a little more over dinner then we decided to take a walk on a nice back road, I didn't want to be seen with her.
"So how are you enjoying your time so far?"
"It's nice I'm impressed with everything you're just a gentleman."
"Well I try if I do say so myself."
"Well it's getting late why don't we call it a night."
"Good idea and I forgot I had to work in the morning."
"Where do you work?"
"Oh, I do a little construction and I got a big client to meet so let me get you home but I want to see you again if it's cool with you."
"Absolutely, and maybe we can do something fun the next time what about Dave and busters?"
"Sounds like a plan."
As I took her hand to walk her back to the car I noticed she had a nice ass and her frame was looking so right. I kept telling myself not to smack it because it was just looking at me. After I dropped her off and headed back to Tammy I couldn't wait to tell her about all that we did and get me some good loving from my women. I pulled up and the lights were on, so I knew she was waiting up like she said she would. That's what I loved about my girl she always kept her word and I didn't have to wonder cause she stayed home.
As I walked in she met me at the door, as she threw her hands around my neck and kissed me so deep my hands went to her ass as I squeezed it tight. As we made our way to the couch I gently laid her down and proceeded to go down and give her some of this tongue. I used force; I wanted her juices all over me.
"Damn that's it baby eat it all up."
I kept licking and sucking until she came for the fourth time. At this point she was dizzy and out of breath. I got up and took out my stick and placed it at her entrance as I proceeded to burry myself deep inside her I was trying to give her a baby and I didn't want to wait anymore but I knew she was on birth control.
"Damn go deeper baby right there."
"Oh, you want it like this huh?"
I started to pound in and out of her as the tears of pleasure came out of her eyes.
"Damn I love you girl; can I go deeper please?"
"YESS BABY!!!." She screamed out.
As I made love to her all through the night I forgot all about my conversation, it could wait cause right now I had a woman to love and nothing was going to  interrupt my flow.

My Sister's Keeper: A Tale Of Two Faces PART ONE Where stories live. Discover now