Chapter 2

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I heard him walk over to a table. He lite a candle that gave out a little light. I laid there shivering when I looked around and saw something moving but the candle wasn't giving off enough light for me to make the image out. Before I knew it he was forcing my hands in handcuffs. '" What are you doing to me!?"' I asked in anger.  After he managed to put handcuffs on my wrist, he went back over to the table and grabbed some duct tape. I started to scream but I couldn't scream for long before he put the tape around my mouth. 

Then all I could do was hum, I figured there was no use. I knew all the way in the woods no one would hear me. I just needed to figure out why he brought me here and what did he want. In the middle of my thoughts I heard more humming noises. I strained my eyes to try to make the image out. I looked closer then I saw them. They looked to be girls in handcuffs and duct tape just like I was. I looked in amaze. Who is this man, Why do he want us? I asked myself. 

Joe aggressively grabbed me by my hair and drug me to the other side of the room. He cleared the table off sliding everything on the floor picked me up and threw me on the table. I jerked and pulled and kicked but he was a lot stronger then me, he managed to hold me down. He started to touch me then i screamed. Nothing came out. I know no one could hear. He touched my titties and started to squeeze them tightly. I cried and prayed to God that this man wasn't about to rape me.

With his left hand on my titties he started to lift my dress up and felt my privite part with his right hand. He rubbed it then inserted his fingers inside my panties putting two fingers inside me. He started off slow than he got too aggressive. I moved as much as I could and kicked until he couldn't touch me anymore. Getting annoyed he punched me in my face, I know it left a big bruise. I cried again. He felt on me again, I moved and kicked so that he would stop. Before I knew it he started to beat me. he beat me so much that I started seeing stars, for a long time I laid there thinking I was dead.

I woke up with a throbbing pain in my private part. I reached down and felt it. My panties were ripped. At this point I knew he had rapped me while I was unconscious. I looked around to find out where he was, beside me I looked to my right and saw a girl in handcuffs and duct tape sitting and starring at me. She was skin and bones. Her face looked weak like she hadn't eaten in forever. I looked back at her almost scared from the way she looked. I was about to scoot the other direction when i saw two other girls to my left. They too looked like they were weak almost to dieing point. We sat together in a row with our backs against. a huge wooden bar. I looked for Joe. He must of left after he rapped me. 

I thought to myself, why do he have us here? I already knew he was dangerous. I looked around to try to find a way to escape. There was no door or windows except one close to the celling, I ignored  it because there was no way possible that I could get up there. I came up with a plan.

First I need to get rid of the duct tape on our mouths so maybe I can communicate with the other girls and find out why we were here I thought. I looked at the girl to my left and tried my best to talk to her. All I could do is hum. she looked back at me trying to figure out what I was saying. It was no use, i stopped. I looked around to see if there was anything shape i could poke through the duct tape, so at least a little sound could come out.

The shape edge of the table would do, I tried to get up but I felt too weak at first. the other girls looked at me trying to figure out what I was trying to do. I stood up on my knees. Since my hands were in handcuffs I couldn't use my hands to get up so I had to do the best I could to keep balance and try to get up. After many tries I managed stand up-right. 

I went over to the edge of the table and bent over while rubbing my mouth on its hard edge. I knew this would take awhile to cut through but at least I wasn't sitting down, not trying like the other girls. Still rubbing the tape on the table, I peeked over at the girls. one of the girls lead over slowly as if she was falling asleep. I hurried over to check on her I thought since they were very weak it was possible that she could be dieing. I knelled over and tried to get her attention. I hummed "hummm.. humm". she didn't answer nor awaken. she was dead. 

I heard noises coming from the door of the rest of the house. It was Joe. Joe came in quickly and saw me kneeling at the dead girl. I tried to hurry and sit back to the place I was sitting but he ignored me and looked down at the girl. He bent over and sat the girl up-right he looked closely at her, then slapped her on her face as if he was trying to wake her up. He slapped her again, still no responds. I wondered when the man began to smile at the dead girl. After awhile he laughed out loud.

He pulled the light-weight girl over to the table by her arms. I watched to see what he was going to do with her. He laid her on the table and reached over in a drawer and grabbed a knife. I bucked my eyes in fright. I tried to make sure he didn't see me looking when he started cutting the girl into pieces. I began to shake because I realized the same could happened to me. 

Joe kept cutting, blood was everywhere. It was not long before the whole basement began to smell deadly. It smelled so bad that I bent my neck over into my chest trying not to inhale the odor. I could hear each cut Joe sliced. Again Joe began laughing. I peeked over at him. He looked up at me, he smiled as if he was looking at a cute baby. "This is your breakfast" he said with a chuckle.

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