Chapter 3

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After Joe finished cutting the dead girl, I had almost peed on myself. Joe was going to make us eat her. Joe came over to us, his hands were filthy with blood on them, he took his nasty hands and ripped the tape from our mouths. We grunted from the pain the tape sent us. He unlocked the handcuff off our wrist. He went back over and picked up pieces of the girl from the table with his hand he then came over and stood in front on us and dropped her flesh in front of us.

"EAT" He said in a loud voice. I looked at the girls in unbelieve when they began to pick the meat up. One girl brougt the meat up to her mouth. I quickly turnned my head the other direction. I threw up in my mouth when I heard both the girls smaking on the meat. Joe stood behind us and watched. " You not gon eat?" He asked. I shook my head "no" too scared to speak. "suit yourself" He said before he walked out.

Still discussed, One of the girls began to speak. "Its all he gives us to eat, he wont feed us nothing else, We would of died if we didn't eat it. That's the reason this girl died." she said holding a piece of meat up showing who she spoke of. "How long have y'all been here?" I asked her still ot looking her direction. She looked squinting her eyes "About three weeks" The girl said. I looked at her again in disbelieve. 

 The girl name was Kim and the girl that sat beside her was Ariel. They had been here three weeks, long weeks. And never found a way to get out. If they tried anything and Joe found out about it he would beat them then put them in a hole he buried outside. Since they had attempted so many times and failed, they gave up.

She went on to tell me about Joe. He pulls girls off the streets and use them. He raped them, beat them, and forced them to eat dead bodies. He whippes us sometimes, he has a huge wipe something like masters used to beat their slaves with during slavery." she explained We have all kinds of weeps on our back" Kim said.

"We were waiting for someone smart and wise to help us escape" Kim said almost throwing up the meat. We need to get out soon, If not, we gon end up like this girl i'm eating" i looked over at the meat and frowned. "We cant survive off our own kind" Kim said. I looked up. "Have y'all tried to climb up to that window up there?" I pointed at the window to the very tip top of the basement. "No, we haven't noticed it." said Kim. There's no way we can get up there anyway" Ariel added.

I shook my head noticing this was real life and it had happened to me. I thought about Trent. I thought about if I never saw him again and if this was almost the end of my life. I wished this was all a big nightmare and that it wasn't real but my mind kept reminding me that it was. Tears began to run down my face. When I remembered Trent again I cried out loud. I was more then hurt knowing that if I had'nt never been on them streets I wouldn't have been here, I could've been with my son and had a nice life like it uses to be. Kim looked over at me seeing I was crying. "don't cry, be strong." We all gon make it out of here" She encouraged me. We gon find a way. I nodded at her. 

About 5 minutes later we heard Joe coming down the stairs. "You all enjoy your breakfast" Joe asked. No one answered. Joe came closer to us and started to stare and wait for a respond. Joe sent a striking punch to Ariel's face. She held her face with her bloody hand. Joe then grabbed her by her arms and drug her over by the table. He grabbed a black stick from his pocket and whipped her with it until he got tired. Ariel laid on the floor rollong in pain.

He walked over to me and Kim. We both looked down as if we weren't looking at him beating Ariel. He went back over to the table with nothing to say. He came back with more duct tape and handcuffs. After locking us back up, He came over to me and told me to stand to my feet. I slowly got up so he pulled me by my hair for me to get up faster. The big man led me over to the table. This time Joe cut my clothes off me. I was naked he took the clothes and laid them on the floor with the dead girl parts still on the table Joe pushed me on top of it. And rapped me for the second time.


Days passed. Everyday me and the girls talked when Joe took the tape off our mouths. They talked to me about their life and how they ended up here. I told them my story, and how I missed my son. I was the only mother there, they didn't have kids. As i told them more bout my son Both the girls felt sorry for me. They imagined how I felt. We slept on the hard concrete floors at night, no blankets just the few clothes on our backs. Nights were cold, Sometimes when Kim and Ariel were asleep I sat up and thought about Trent, I cried and cried. I was so miserable missing my son and not knowing when i would see him or if I ever would see him again. It was the worst.

I ended up eating some of the girl, I tried to ignore the taste. I ate because I had no other choice and I wanted to survive. Joe gave us a bucket of water one day. The water was dirty and had dead insect s in it. We drunk it, we was so thirsty that we didnt even realize it was dirty. 

Most of the days Joe came in and beat us. Sometimes he would call us dirty words while he beat us for no reason at all. We all knew Joe had problems there was something in Joe's life that he didn't like so he chose to hurt other people. He had took it way too far, he knew that as well as we did. We knew no one lived with him. We thought maybe his wife and kids left him or something. Some day we're going to find out.

One day we heard Joe coming down the stairs. He forced someone down the stairs along with him. It was another girl, We all watched as the girl came down the stairs and entered the room. The darkness wasn't letting me see her face clearly. She was sobbing as Joe held on to her arm. Joe began to beat her in the face when they first entered the room. He left her on the floor in pain she  laid on the concrete floor and held her face where the pain was. Joe went over to the table, and lite a candle. we studied her face with the little light the candle gave. She looked familiar, too familiar. Then it hit me. Joe went back over and handcuffed my best friend.. Aubrey.

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