Chapter 4

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I looked at Aubrey's face with amaze. She hadn't noticed me yet. I watched as Joe handcuffed her being very aggressive. After the handcuffs Joe forced her over beside us. I peeked over at her to make myself known. She was too busy crying. I made a sudden move to try and get her attention. I couldn't say anything because of the tape on my mouth. She looked beside her to see Kim then finally looked at me. She bucked her eyes and started to speak but realized she couldn't.

The next day Joe came in with breakfast. Again he sat more of the girl's meat on the floor. Aubrey looked at it as if she was trying to figure out what it was. Joe pulled the tape off of our mouths Eat up! Joe said leaving out. He walked out slowly turning around to see if Aubrey would eat it. She sat there and watched him leave out. When Joe was out of sight, Aubrey looked over at me "Nichol?" She looked with her eyes squinted. "Is that you?"

Me and Aubrey caught up, we explain to each other how we got here and what had happened. Kim and Ariel also explained to Aubrey about Joe, and told her why we're here and what Joe wanted. when we got to the part were we explained there's no way out Aubrey began to cry. She asked questions about our experience in the basement. All of the answers were something horrible.

It was my third week in the basement when Joe began to put us in holes outside. He had dugg a huge hole outside. It was about 10 feet deep and 6 feet wide. At night he drugg us outside and pushed us inside, we would fall in. We had to just stand there. Now we were chained up on our hands and our ankles we couldn't move around as usual if we had to pee we'd have to pee on ourselves.

I had experienced many times in that hole and most of all in that basement. We were so miserable everyday we spent our time either in the dark basement or in the hole. We were beaten so many times, we were rapped ever more times. And we couldn't do anything about it. but one day i knew this would all be over. I hoped more than anything that that day was soon.



Today, early this morning Joe came in and beat me with his whip. The whip left stinging pain on my back and shoulders. When he got tired of beating me he pulled me by my hair and drugg me. The girls watched as he drugg me up the stairs. Joe pulled me to the back door then into the hole in the backyard. Joe threw me inside compatibly. I flew all the way down landing on my butt. Joe turned around and went back into the house.

I was so ready for all this to be over, Its been almost three months I've been here. I knew someone had to report that I'm missing and are looking for me by now. I wanted this all to end I'm tired of getting rapped and beaten. I wanted with all my might for Joe to be punished for doing these things to us. He was a sick man. I sat there awhile after Joe left thinking.

I looked down at the dirt and noticed it was a little wet from the dew. I brainstormed of a way i could get out. There had to be a way I could climb out.. I looked both ways at the dirt walls I was surrounded by, I knew it would be hard to even attempt to climb out with handcuffs on my hands and shackles on my feet. I stood up, looking above my head at the sky. I got my hands and touched the dirt walls.

I thought hard. I realized grass had started growing from the dirt. I thought maybe if I tried to pull myself up while holding onto the grass I could pull myself up. I caught onto a section of grass with my hands, I pulled it and put all of my body weight on it. I raised up slowly off the ground holding on trying not to let go. I gently put my feet against the wall of dirt and claimed up. The handcuffs on my arm tightened up from the pressure I put on them by holding onto the grass. they started to squeeze my arm. I could feel my bone rub against the handcuffs.

I couldn't let go of the grass, I was almost to the top. I brung my feet higher off the ground. I had one chance to put my hands on the top of the hole and pull myself out. I looked at my hands and saw that they were bleeding. It took all my might to reach the top. I quickly took my hands off the piece of grass and grabbed onto the rim of the hole. Now i was hanging on the rim. i was too weak to pull myself up i thought. but i knew i couldn't let go. In my head i had a flashback of Joe beating me, I didn't want to go thought that again so that was my inspiration to keep holding onto it not letting go. I slowly pulled myself up by holding onto the grass on the outside.

My arms at this point were like noodles but i kept pushing myself to have enough strength to pull myself out.The grass began to get weaker and began to break. About to fall, with all the strength I had I grabbed onto another stronger piece of grass and finally began to make progress. I managed to keep pulling the pieces of grass one after another and slowly climbed out.

I stood upright after scooting away from the hole. I first looked around then I ran as fast as the shackles would take me. I was so weak that I couldn't hardly run. I did my best running as far away from the house as possible without looking back.

When i got far away and was hidden deep in the woods I slowed down and caught my breath. I was relieved after all those months of being mistreated I had forgotten what being free felt like. i breathed in the fresh morning air and listened at the birds chirp in the trees.

I started to run again thinking about if Joe had returned to the hole and saw that I had gotten out and now looking for me. I struggled trying to run now being so weak. It felt like my body was getting weaker and weaker as i ran. I started to get dizzy, the world in my head was spinning around. I stopped running then strained my eyes, next thing I knew I was falling to the ground.

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