Worksheets and Lunch Dates

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Y/N pov:

It's been a week since the day Michael came over to my house. A lot has changed. He comes over almost every day now and honestly, I really enjoy his company. He makes me feel, safe? I don't know how to describe it. I've just never felt like I could be myself with someone before him.

I walked through the classroom door of my 3rd period. Michael was waiting at our table, to my surprise, he was here before me. Usually, he's at least 5 minutes late to this class but I decided to pay it no mind. I was just happy he was here and I wasn't alone. I had a friend.

The scrapes from the previous week were still apparent on my soft skin. My face was still surprisingly bruised, despite it having plenty of time to heal. I guess my skin was just slow at that sort of thing. Not getting hurt often, I guess my skin is just used to being healthy and not having to recover.

I pull a composition book full of previously done math work out of my bag and a pencil out of my pocket. I begin to work on something I hadn't finished the day before while waiting for class to start.

"Hey, how's your hand?"

Michael snaps me out of my concentration with that question and I look up to answer.

"It's doing alright. It still hurts a bit but not as much as it did before. And I don't know how my face is still bruised but that's whatever." I say before turning my attention back to my math work.

He answers with a small hum and begins to look at the little doodles strewn about the edges of my paper. He seems curious as to who they're supposed to be so I explain.

"They're OC's. Original characters. Oh and some of them are supposed to be you."

He blushes from the last statement and looks away, picking at his nails to find something to switch his focus to.

I smile at the pink dusting his cheeks, thinking it was funny. The teacher then suddenly starts the class and I close the notebook I was writing in. I pull out my sketchbook though, assuming that I'll finish the upcoming assignment early, as I usually do.

Throughout the class period, Michael tries to get my attention multiple times. I've waved him off the past couple of times but he doesn't stop so I finally turn to him to see what he has to say.

"Can I look at your drawings?" He asks, pointing to the sketchbook next to my right arm.

"Really? You've been bothering me all period to look at my drawings?"

"Well yeah, I guess so. I liked your doodles so I wanted to see what other stuff you draw." He says seeming apologetic.

"Sure, whatever. Here." I hand him the sketchbook and get back to my work.

I glance over to him a couple of times in between working out the math problems. He seems to be very interested in my art and he might even be... smiling?

"Why are you smiling, creep?"

"Huh? Oh, I just really like your art style. You really like drawing me, don't you? A bunch of the pages have me on them."

I blush slightly and respond, "Well you're with me all the time so I just have a constant reference. You're good for practicing ya know?"

"Sure. Whatever you say." He says smiling at my very clear lie.

My teacher looks up from his computer, and with a monotone voice he says "Alright, time to go."

Everyone begins to put their things away quickly and stand up to leave. I do the same, as does Michael but he stops me before I walk away.

"Want to sit with me at lunch?"

I look confused, as he usually likes to sit with his friends.

"But what about your friends? I thought you like to sit with them during lunch."

"Well I do but I want to sit with you today. Is that okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah of course. I'll see you in lunch then."

He smiles and walks away. I smile to myself as well and begin to walk to my next class.

Chapter 4! This one is actually starting to make things interesting. They're blushing all the time :0 Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Next chapter will be up tomorrow. Thank you for reading. I love you all, drink water, and try to eat something <3

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