Arguements and Confusing Questions

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Y/N pov:

We're sitting at one of the small, circular lunch tables. Michael turns to me and asks why I draw so much. I'm not really sure how to answer this but I respond with,

"I don't know honestly. I guess I've just kept to myself my whole life and I don't have any siblings. I probably just picked it up as a hobby one day and stuck with it."

"Oh that's pretty cool actually. I always wished I could draw but I do other stuff instead." He says laughing.

"Oh? What other things do you do?" I look to him in curiosity.

"I play drums actually. The music I listen to has a lot of heavy instruments so I thought it would be cool to learn how to play it myself. I only know drums though, I've never played guitar or anything else."

I was shocked by this if I was being completely honest. He definitely looks like to type to listen to heavy music but I didn't expect him to actually play one of the instruments.

"Dude that's way cooler than drawing. I sound so boring compared to you."

"I think drawing is really cool. You can think of whatever you want and like, make it come to life with just a pencil. That's impressive."

I blush slightly and laugh in response. But I soon see a group of 3 boys walk up to our table. Realizing who these kids are, I look away in embarrassment and quickly grow anxious. It was Michael's friends.

"What the fuck is up with you Michael? You keep hanging out with this kid. He's a creep. He never talks and he has no friends." One of them, the one from the office last week, chimes in.

"First of all, he isn't a creep. He's cool and he's nice. And second, why do you even care? I hang out with you guys the rest of the day except math class which I don't even have with you guys anyway." Michael says defensively.

"Why do you want to hang out with Michael, huh? He never liked you before so just leave him alone." The same boy says, directed to me, completely ignoring what Michael just said.

The boy walks behind me, the other two still standing in front of the table laughing. He slaps the back of my head, and Michael turns his head immediately.

"Okay that's enough. Stop or we're gonna have a problem." Michael says standing up.

"What do you mean? You do know we're still friends right?" The boy says, suddenly getting serious. The other boys ceasing their laughter as well.

"Well so is he." Michael says pointing to me. "And if you're being a dick to him then I'm gonna be a dick to you."

"Okay fine. We'll leave then." The boy says, walking away with his other friends by his side.

"Thank you. That was really cool of you." I say smiling.

"Of course. You don't deserve their shit." He answers smiling back at me.

-Time skip to Y/N's house after school-

Me and Michael were just lying on my floor, side by side, talking about whatever came to mind.

"So I noticed that your nails were painted. Did you do that yourself or did someone do it for you?" I ask Michael, curious to know if he enjoys the activity.

"Oh yeah my sister does it for me. She just did it one day and I think it looks cool so I just let her do it whenever she wants." He replies, smiling at the thought.

A couple seconds of us sitting in silence pass before Michael pipes up with an interesting question.

"Also I don't mean this in a rude way or anything, but a lot of people at school say that you're gay. Are you... like... actually gay, or..? I totally support I was just cur-" Michael asks me. He seems flustered when asking the question.

I cut him off with my insanely loud laughter. He looks to me, even more flustered than before and starts awkwardly laughing with me.

"Yeah, I'm gay. I'm pretty open about it honestly." After calming down I reply.

"Oh that's cool..." He answers, not knowing what to say next.

"So should we pl-" He cuts me off with yet another question.

"How did you know? That you were gay. Did it just like, happen, or was it a long proccess?"

"Oh. I can't say I've ever really thought about it, actually. I've tried dating girls but it just didn't feel the same I guess. Why do you ask anyway?"

"I was just curious. Thinking about stuff, ya know?" He gives a vague reply.

I nod, confused, yet somewhat understanding the answer.

Then we both pick up a controller for the console in front of us, both of us silently agreeing to play the video game.

Chapter 5 is done! It's definitely getting more interesting I think. It's still slow but I don't want to rush and have it not make sense. Anyways, I hope you're still enjoying the story. Thank you for reading and supporting my story, I love you all, drink water, try to eat something, and stay safe <3

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