Bruises and Love

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Y/N pov:
Michael had another nightmare last night. I'm starting to get worried. He's usually such a playful, upbeat type of person, but he's been different lately. He's sad, tired, and just all around quieter.

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. It was a school day but I usually wake up earlier than I have to so I have time to sleep in. I flip over to my other side while laying in the bed, Michael is there sound asleep. I smile at the sight of him, but I still can't help but feel bad for him. Unexpected to myself, I wrap my arms around him. Realizing that I'm cuddling him, my eyes widen but I don't move. He doesn't wake up either. I had just woken up but I once again feel sleep pulling my eyes closed.

-30 minutes later-

I wake up to the movement of the bed I'm laying on. Before opening my eyes, I realize that I'm hugging something. That something was the thing moving the mattress under me. It was Michael.

I open my eyes, letting go of him in the process. I look at the time and notice that it only says 7 am. Realizing he was still asleep and just moving around, I hug him once more. I probably shouldn't be doing this but it comforts me in a weird way. This time though, he wraps his arms around me in return. I wasn't expecting this so I gasp a little.

He stirs and opens his eyes. He also realizes the position we were in and let's go. It didn't seem like he wanted to though, only that he was because he felt it made me uncomfortable. If he only knew that it was the only thing I wanted right now.

A hint of realization hits his face. I didn't know what he was thinking about until he vocalized it.

"Shit! I didn't mean to sleep here all night. My dad's going to kill me." He looks tremendously worried. Tears forming in his eyes as if he was scared to go home after sleeping over.

"Hey, I'm sure it's okay. You don't need to cry." I sit up in the bed just like he did and engulfed him in a hug after the tears started to roll down his face.

He starts to wipe his tears while still in the embrace and then let's go. Turning around and getting out of the bed, he puts his shoes on.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay over. You don't know how much that helped but I really have to go. I'll see you at school in an hour." He gives a quick explanation and hurries out my bedroom door.

I hear him go down the stairs and out the front door. Looking at the time once more, I decide to get up and start to get ready for school. Changing my clothes into something that looked better than my pajamas, I make sure to put my homework back in the bag with my other schoolwork and head to the bathroom.

Brushing my teeth, I think about the previous events that happened only 10 minutes ago. Why was Michael so worried about his dad getting upset? What would his dad do if he found out that he hung out at my house all the time?

Clearing my head of any bad thoughts, I finish brushing my teeth. Running my hands through my hair, and leave the bathroom. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out to look at the notification. A text.


7:23 am
Hey I'll be a little late to school but I'm still coming. I should be there by 2nd period by the latest
7:24 am
Alright, be safe and I'll see you then


I wonder if he's okay. He was already worried about going home and now he's late? Everyrhing seemed a little weird to me but I brush it off. Deciding to go downstairs, I find my shoes and put them on before going to the kitchen.

Pulling out a glass from the cabinet, I fill it with cold water and drink it. I run my fingers through my own hair once more and try to stop worrying. I just really hope Michael is okay. I'm probably overthinking this. He's definitely fine. Right?

-At school-

I walked into 3rd period, expecting to see Michael there waiting for me. He wasn't though. Okay now I'm really nervous. He's been acting like he was in trouble all day yesterday and this morning. He was late to school. I saw him in the nurse's office this morning. And now he's not in the one class that we share together? This can't be a coincidence.

Raising my hand, I ask the teacher if I can use the bathroom. He dismisses me and I go there as fast as I can. Michael always goes to a certain bathroom when he's nervous so I head there immediately.

Proving my suspicion to be correct, I hear sniffling in one of the bathroom stalls when I open the door. It was definitely Michael. He's the only one that uses this bathroom during class because it's across campus from most of the classes.

"Michael I know its you, can you please tell my why you've been acting weird for days? It's worrying me." I plead to him outside the stall for an explanation.

"Y/N is that you? Oh my god I'm so happy you're the one here." He says, his crying ceasing at the same time. The stall he was in opens and it reveals him.

He was standing there with a bruise on his cheek, a small cut above it. His eyes were red and puffy, he must have been crying for a while.

"Jesus christ. Are you okay?" I ask in worry. I grab his face gently and begin to cry myself.

He doesn't answer my question so I pull him into a hug, both of us crying together.

"Why didn't you tell me what was going on? You could have stayed with me longer if I knew." I ask him quietly.

"I just didn't want you to think less of me. If you knew what my dad did to me I thought you would leave and think I was a freak. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I was just scared." He answers in a small voice.

"Michael you know I would never judge you for anything. You're the best person in my life and nothing would come in the way of that. No matter how much of a dick your dad is, I still love you more that anything." I reply.

"You love me?"

Chapter 8! Haha I left you guys on a cliffhanger. This chapter was sad but I still made it gay. Also it came out a bit late but it's longer than my other chapters so I hope that makes it worth it. It's escalating :0!! Thank you for reading, I love you, drink water, try to eat something, and stay safe <3

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