Love and Walks

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Michael pov:

Waking up to the sound of Y/N's alarm going off, I rub my eyes. I turn to my head and see Y/N stir in his sleep. Looking down to see his arm on my waist, and his head on my shoulder. Noticing the position we were in, I blushed. But I didn't move.

Y/N finally opened his eyes and turned the beeping alarm off. He immediately closed his eyes again and rested his head back on my shoulder. I chuckled.

"We need to get up. We have school today." I say to him, but he just groans in response.

"Come on. We still need to walk back to my house to get my backpack too." I say quietly, grabbing his hand.

"Okay, fine. But I'll probably fall asleep at school." He says while sitting up on the bed.

We both get out from under the covers. He walks to the bathroom and I stay in his room, putting my shoes on. I hadn't changed my clothes last night so I just put the hoodie I was wearing yesterday over my t-shirt and decided that was good enough.

A few minutes later, Y/N came back from the bathroom. He walked up to me and hugged me. Not expecting this, I laughed.

"Hey what's up?" I say still laughing.

"I'm tired. Isn't it obvious?"

"Well yes, that part was obvious but I didn't expect you to just use me as a human stuffed animal." I say, hugging him back.

"We need to go don't we?" He asks letting go of me.

"Yeah we probably should. It takes like, 15 minutes to get to my house and then we still have to walk to school." I frown at the thought of going back to my house, afraid of what my dad would do after I left without asking.

"Hey, it's okay. I'll be with you the entire time. He won't lay a finger on you, I promise." Y/N says, noticing my fright.

Grabbing his bag and putting his shoes on, he looks at me and indicates he was ready to go. He grabs my hand, latching our fingers together, and we walk down the stairs and out of the house.

Walking up the sidewalk in front of my house, I take a house key out of my pocket and unlock the front door. Bracing myself for the screams that are likely to come. My hand softly falls out of Y/N's as we walk into the house.

I try to ignore everyone there and just walk up into my room as fast as possible, but it isn't as simple as I thought it might be. My father walks out of the kitchen and sees me. I assumed he heard me open the door and walk in so I slowly turn my head and he begins to talk.

"Where have you been? And who the fuck is this?" He says pointing to Y/N.

"Dad, this is my friend, Y/N. I spent the night at his house so I just needed to come back and get my backpack before going to school." I say nervously.

"Oh so you're just going to run off with your little boyfriend yesterday and not tell me where you were going? You know the rules. I tell you where you can and can't go, and when you can go there." He says walking up to me, raising his hand to slap my face.

I closed my eyes and braced myself but the impact never came. Instead I heard the slap on someone else. Y/N had gone in front of me. He let my dad slap him so I wouldn't get hurt.

"Oh shit are you okay?! Let me see the bruise." I turn to him quickly and check to see if it was too bad. It was already bruising and there was a little scratch where some blood was coming out.

"I'm fine don't worry." He assures me.

My dad, still looking at us, starts to speak again. "What the fuck is wrong with this kid? You bring some random guy into my house and he doesn't let me discipline my own kid? You picked a bad one Michael." He says with a sour tone apparent on his lips.

"Okay listen. Sir, I'm sorry you don't know me and I don't mean to intrude in your home, but this shit needs to stop. Your son is fucking amazing and you need to realize that. It's honestly shocking you have a son this great when you're such an asshole. You don't deserve him. Guess who has to comfort him when you won't after you abuse him? It's me. Because I actually care about him. And quite frankly, you're a terrible person. So fuck you and never touch him again." He says all of this so fast that I just stood there stunned.

I looked at him in awe. I couldn't believe that he just defended me and told off my own father. Fucking hell I love this man.

He grabbed my wrist and we walked out of the front door, leaving my father there, just as stunned as I was.

"Holy shit I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be a dick to your dad I just couldn't handle the way he was-"

I cut him off by kissing him. "It's okay. More than okay actually. I've wanted to tell my dad that for the longest time and I'm so happy you did it." I look at him with love in my eyes.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" He asks all of a sudden.

With no hesitation I immediately respond with a "Yes, absolutely."

He grabbed my hand and we walked. We didn't know where we were walking to but we went anywhere our feet took us.

Let's just say that we didn't end up going to school that day.

thats it!! the end of the fanfiction. i really enjoyed writing this and i'll post an author's note after this chapter, where you guys can comment ideas for me to write and what you thought of the story. i hope you enjoyed and i love you all. drink water, try to eat something, and stay safe <3

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