Portrait of Pride

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You can also see this in my story (short stories) "The Portrait of Pride" - dedicated to marilynjacksonO

Thanks to Ilana Lo for helping me with this.


The Portrait of Pride stood on the wall,

A nail attached so it wouldn’t fall.

I look upon it every day,

Hoping one day that it will say:

"Adeline your life is bleak,

you should not always be so weak,

but if you are to tumble and fall,

i'll always be there when you call."

I know this surely isn't so,

Because about a week ago,

My brother burst about in flames,

of anger, spite and dangerous games.

He said that he would take you down,

- The picture I mean, that held your frown.

And now I know he meant his word,

Although this might just sound absurd,

The picture burned while he did chuckle,

And I saw your pride, slowly tumble.

Good bye cruel world, my time is done,

I regret nothing, I had my fun.

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