Ferry time

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Written on a ferry coming back from school. They had changed it temporarily so that the ferry was half the size with the same people on it. Horrible ride. Great inspiration.



There's horrible noise as I sit,

Throwing me into a complete fit.

It's hardly humane, driving me insane.

The horrible noise as I sit.

There's a kid that sits on my left,

Who thinks he's a crook who does  theft.

It's all in his Mac-Book, and other's they all look,

At the kid that sits ob my left.

In front of me, there are two kids,

That are running and throwing lunch-lids.

They run up the stairs, and make secret lairs,

In front of me, the pair of kids.

The adults that sit still as a rock,

Should be imprisoned in key and lock,

All they do is  observe, oh they've got some nerves,

The adults that sit still as rock.

Oh the ferry how I hate you so,

On another I do want to go,

But i'm stuck here for now, like a silly old cow,

Oh the forry how I hate you so.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2011 ⏰

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