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We sit in the living room, or what miserably passes as one

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We sit in the living room, or what miserably passes as one. It's so old and worn I'm surprised the furniture doesn't break where it stands. I miss my bedroom and the fancy furniture that adorned the castle, but all of that is left behind.

Jay-hyung sits at the piano, mesmerised by it. He touches the keys carefully, studying the different notes and sounds that they make. Niki is beside him, amused at his toneless music. He looks happy. Almost like that time we were racing up a hill.

My chest tightens at the memory. I made that smile go away the moment I Turned and made us all run away from everything we knew.

"Hi!" a boy approaches the sofa beside my own where Sunghoon-hyung and Jake-hyung sit. He wears a bright smile and pale golden hair.

"Hello," Jake-hyung answers and Sunghoon gives him a side glance.

"The Mistress told me you're new," he takes a seat beside Jake-hyung. Sunghoon-hyung presses his lips. "What do you think of the place?"

"It's fine," Sunghoon-hyung tells him. I fight a smile at his demeanour. He's so obvious. Across from him, Heeseung-hyung silences Jay-hyung politely and says we haven't seen most of it.

"I can show you around!" he exclaims excitedly and jumps from his seat. "Follow me!"

The seven of us rise and move in line behind him. I find Sunghoon-hyung at the very back.

"Jake-hyung is good at making friends," I say.

"Right," he answers quietly.

"You, on the other hand..."

He turns to me with a frown and I hide a smile.

"Are you making fun of me?"

"What?" I ask innocently.

"He's not wrong to be wary," Jungwon defends him, turning around to face us as he walks backwards. "But this is a new chance for all of us. I think we can trust these people."

"Sure. Maybe we'll go back to normal in the process," I say sarcastically.

He doesn't look happy at my comment, but I ignore him and he turns around.

"You can at least try, Sunoo," Sunghoon-hyung says.

"It's not really under my control," I whisper. "And neither is it under yours."

"It is under our control to keep it secret. These people can't know."

"Alright, I get it," I huff.

He doesn't say anything else and we fall silent, finally paying attention to the tour this blond boy is giving us.

The orphanage is a two-story house. The top floor is where the dormitories are, along with two bathrooms. The first for the nurses and maidens, the second for the boys.

"There are only four maidens in total," our new friends tells us. "Two nurses, one cook, and the Mistress, in charge of the orphanage."

He leads us down the hallway. Most rooms have bunk beds, but a few hold only one bed.

"They're for boys that need special treatment," the boy explains.

"Special treatment?" Jay-hyung asks.

"Yes! If one of us gets sick, they send us here to prevent the rest from getting sick too."

Sunghoon-hyung and I glance at each other.

"Sounds effective," Jake-hyung comments. I almost laugh.

We turn a corner and come across the laundry room. Another turn and we come across what looks like an office. We are told this is where the Mistress spends most days and we aren't allowed inside.

"If you have any trouble, though, you can knock on her door and she'll answer. The Mistress is very patient and understanding with any issue."

After that we turn around and go to the stairs again. Back at the main floor, he guides us through the dining room and living room and finally shows us the infirmary in the adjoining hall.

This part of the house is the darkest. There are fewer windows and I can't see what lays further down. The boy doesn't lead us there and my curiosity grows. He ends the tour by taking us outside to the courtyard where the other boys are playing. There are five including our friend. The seven of us are the largest group.

"Most of us spend the day out here playing after our duties," the boy says.

"Duties?" I ask. Are we expected to work?

"We help around with the dishes and laundry. The Mistress will assign you your job sometime today probably."

I try not to look sceptical. I try to remember we gave up our titles the moment we ran away.

Our friend invites us to play with the other boys. They're playing hide-and-seek. Everyone agrees to join except myself. I refuse and excuse myself, going back inside. The sun is bothering me too much and that game isn't one of my favourites anymore.

Back at the house I glance down the darkened hallway of the infirmary. Could it be that it just ends in a wall? Goosebumps rise in my arm suddenly and my teeth begin to hurt.

No. I can't let this happen. Not now, not here. I run towards the stairs to find some privacy in the bathrooms but stop dead when I encounter a nurse at the bottom of the stairs.

"Where are you running off to?" she asks. "No running inside the house."

I can't answer. I fear my fangs will show if I do, instead I bow apologetically and walk the rest of the way.

By the time I reach the baths, my eyes are already glowing.

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