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I shift and turn in bed, unable to conceive sleep

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I shift and turn in bed, unable to conceive sleep. It isn't just the moon keeping me awake tonight. What Jay-hyung told us this afternoon has left me uneasy. I already had my suspicions but I hadn't labelled them yet. Vampires. It's a word that I'd only heard whispered with fear or told as a bedtime story to scare kids. Something that shouldn't be real.

But it is real. And I'm not alone.

Now I know my brothers have been having this craving too. Craving for blood. And it's true what Jay-hyung said, I did feel better after drinking that rat. Though it didn't last long and now my instincts are desperate for a sip. Just a drop, anything. I want to drink.

The thought makes my mouth salivate and fangs grow. My body is alert and the smells around the house reach me. So much blood available. And so close.

My bedroom door rattles and I sit up. It's late, everyone's asleep. Or they should be.

"There it is! Grab him!" the Mistress orders with a bloody hand as she steps inside, the head nurse behind her.

My instincts take over.


I stare at the ceiling, waiting for sleep to blanket me. But it doesn't. My stomach rumbles and my head spins, trying to understand why the fever doesn't leave us. This curse has followed us from the castle and tangled us in a mess we can't get out of. And now I'm dying because of it. Without blood, without food, I'm a living dead. But even if I'm cursed, I don't want to disappear. Even if I'm cursed, I have my brothers with me.

The hairs on my arms raise suddenly. I sit up. There is a window in my room that allows me to watch the stars and the moon at night. That's usually how I entertain myself during these sleepless hours, even though I should avoid it because it makes my other instincts take over. But right now, it isn't the glowing satellite giving me goosebumps and making me salivate. It's something else. Something outside.


I stare at my door. The sound came from the hallway. I hear footsteps and a muffled voice. What's happening? No one is supposed to be awake. The order of lights out was given hours ago, and anyone found outside would be punished. But someone is clearly awake.

Or hiding something.

I leave bed and make my way outside, peering carefully through a crack on my door. Sunoo's bedroom is open. There is candlelight disappearing down the stairs. I follow. Where are they taking him at this hour? I hear the Mistress's voice in a hushed tone. She is talking to someone. I can't tell who it is. Maybe the nurse.

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