Chapter 3 - Confessions

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The next morning, Impulse found himself lying on a bed next to Grian in one of the tents in the Megashroom Village. The last thing he remembered was getting so tired he basically fell asleep near the fences of the village. Maybe Grian found him sleeping and decided to carry him into one of the tents. Impulse stared at the man beside him, sleeping peacefully with a soft snore coming out from him. He couldn't help but smile, reaching towards Grian's fringe to move it away from his face. This made Grian wake up, however, as his own hand quickly grabbed the imp's.

"Morning, Grian," Impulse said after he chuckled. Nothing came out of Grian's lips, other than a soft groan. It seems like Grian doesn't want to wake up. The beige hair male buried his face into Impulse's chest, while also not knowing that he still has his flower crown on, making it more scuffed than ever. "We have a lot of stuff to do, you know?" 

"I know," Grian said, still tired. "But I want to stay here for a while…"

Impulse just can't help but chuckle at Grian right now. He tried getting up, but Grian kept pulling him down with his purple wing that rested on top of Impulse's body. He wanted Impulse to stay, but Grian's fully awake now, groaning again.

"You woke me up, and I hate you for that," Grian said as looked up at Impulse. Of course, he didn't mean the last part of his sentence. Both of their eyes are locked together, as Impulse finally moved Grian's fringe away to get another better look of his face. Later on, the two finally got up from the bed together. Grian walked outside to stretch his wings first. Impulse watched Grian with a smile, admiring the guy's wings for a while. Grian turned to look at Impulse, and smiled back at him. The two shared one moment until they seperated to do their own stuff before the launch.

Another day has passed, and it was time for the RV to launch in the air. Grian was waiting for Impulse to arrive, sitting on the scaffolding while eating golden carrots. It was starting to get boring until Grian spotted an imp flying towards him. As Impulse landed, Grian hugged him tightly.

"I'm glad you could make it," Grian said, burying his face into Impulse's chest. The imp hugged Grian back, smiling.

"I'm glad to be here, but where's Ren?" Impulse asked, looking around to try and spot the dog hybrid that is Rendog.

"Oh! Ren's right here," Grian stepped aside, revealing an armour stand with Ren's head on it. The two chuckled at the sight. Grian told Impulse that Ren couldn't make it, so he decided to make that armour stand version of him so that he can be there in armour stand spirit. What the two didn't know, however, was that Ren was by the RVs, watching them from afar to see how this goes.

Later, Impulse pulled out a bow from his inventory and said, "When I hit that pressure plate with this bow and arrow, the countdown should start."

"What pressure plate?" Grian asked, looking around the commune to spot said pressure plate. He managed to miss Ren who immediately hid from his friend's view. Impulse pointed down at the bottom where the scaffolding was built. Grian looked down, but fell over, accidently starting the countdown. Impulse and Grian laughed at the mistake, and Grian managed to fly back up on top of the scaffolding tower. Impulse shot an arrow towards the pressure plate, continuing the countdown. When the clock reached zero, fireworks flew up around the RV, as it started rising to the sky. Grian raised both of his fists, exclaiming a "yes" out loud.

"It worked!" Grian happily exclaimed, and suddenly pulled Impulse into a hug out of it, making the imp blush a bit. He realized this after a few seconds and quickly let go of Impulse, blushing in embarrassment by the action he did.

"I'm sorry!" he apologized, his purple wings unfurling while he was doing so, "I should have thought before I made a move, I–"

He was cut off mid-sentence as Impulse pulled Grian back into that hug, making the man's eyes widen. After a few seconds, Grian hugged Impulse back, feeling the warmth of the imp's arms around him. Grian's wings wrapped themselves around Impulse as well. Ren, meanwhile, was smiling at the two in the background. After about two minutes, Grian and Impulse slowly pulled away from each other. Grian wanted it to last longer, but he thought it would get awkward at some point.

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