Chapter 1

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"What the hell, Josh?! Anong gusto mong mangyari?!" He shouted from his room and I could hear him clearly.

I'm in the living room of their house for a while now since he finally let me come in. And it's also been a while since he called his friend and left me alone.

I wandered around their place, looking around, which I hope he won't mind. It's not that big and not that small either. Sakto lang for the both of them. It's a two storey house a little far away from the city, leaving them a peaceful scenery on every window. The color and furnitures are also really cozy, if not for the scattered items on the floor.

Pinakiramdaman ko muna siya and when I'm sure that he's still talking to someone, I slowly stood up and picked some items one by one.

There are some broken CDs, a guitar, and paperworks that some are crumpled. But one thing caught my attention; a broken picture frame.

I was shock for a bit when I saw me, or so I thought.

It's Paulo and the guy I'm programmed to help with. They're both smiling widely as Paulo's hand is over at his boyfriend's shoulder. I touched my patient's smile as I look at him from the other room. It's very different by now, especially his eyes. I know he's angry by his tone but I could see more of sadness and longing in it.

I want to go to him and calm him down, tell him it's going to be alright in time. But I couldn't seem to find my courage to do so.

Mr. Santos might be disappointed of me by now. First day of my duty and I can't even calm my patient.

Mr. Santos. My creator. He's the first man I saw as I opened my eyes, with multiple tubes connected on my body and a monitor beside me. He's a man with glasses and white coat, his hair brushed up. He smiled timidly at me.

He examined me for a while before sighing. "JPN... Please help him."

I stared at his eyes that time without saying anything. He went to his computer and there's where I felt something came into my senses.

He walked back in front of me again.

"JPN, how many is this?" He asked me as he raised three fingers.

"Three, mister," I answered and he's somewhat shocked by how I called him. He smiled anyways.

"Just call me Santos."

"Okay, Mr. Santos," I answered that made him laugh a little. I wonder what did I do?

"Can you speak tagalog by now?"

"O-oo," my mouth automatically said.

"Ayos," he exclaimed. "Anyways, JPN–that, that's your name, okay?" I nodded. "Let me intoduce you to yourself first," he laughed a bit. He handed me a mirror to look at myself. I touched my face as I look at my reflection, noticing the mole above my lips and also my thick eyebrows, unshaved jaw, and shoulder length hair.

"Yeah, let's fix that later," he chuckled again. "Okay, so you're JPN, short for John Paulo Nase, the name of your patient's boyfriend," he handed me a photo of a man that looks exactly like me. "You see, you're a replika of him. A complete replika," I nodded then he smiled widely. "Oh god, you may not see or feel it, but I'm beyond proud of you today. 'Di ko akalain na magwo-work ka talaga. And now, I want you to help someone," he said, his happiness slowly fading as he grab a photo of a man from his table.

"This man right here," he showed me a photo of a good looking man. "That's Stellvester, kaibigan ko siya. And this is what happened to him," he showed another photo of the man but this time, he looks miserable. I immediately felt something in my chest as I saw that. "His boyfriend died weeks ago. His plane crashed leaving Stell alone. Since then, puro iyak na lang ang ginawa ni Stell. Di sya makatulog, makakain nang tama, even us na kaibigan niya nahihirapan sa sitwasyon. We just want to help him but he kept on pushing us away. Di siya nakikinig sa amin," he sighed. "Nawala na yung boyfriend niya, ayaw namin na pati siya mawala," my hand automatically touched his cheek as I wipe a tear from his eye. He looked at me. "So please, JPN, help him. Sa'yo lang siya makikinig."

I nodded. "For Stellvester."

He smiled at me after that and confined me for one more day for further tests.

When Mr. Santos is contented about my progress in living and taking care like a human already, he finally gave me my patient's adress. I read more information about my patient on my phone as I ride the train.

Stellvester Ajero, twenty-six years old. College graduate. Has two siblings and owns a flower shop for three years. Living with his boyfriend for five years, John Paulo Nase.

John Paulo Nase, twenty-seven years old.  College graduate. Has four siblings. Stell's boyfriend for five years. Died a few weeks ago due to a plane accident.

I read more specific informations about them, including their favorites and habits, until my head aches already. I just sigh and looked at the window over the trip to relax myself.

And here I am now, at Stell and Paulo's living room, looking at the slight opened door of Stell's room.

"You made a robot that exactly looks like him! Halos atakehin na ako kanina. Akala ko kung anong multo ang nagpakita sakin!" I walked closer to his room, he's already crying.

"I just want to help you. Alalang alala na kami ni Jah—"

"And you expect that to help me?!" I held my chest with that question as I feel something again. It's sadness as I remember it. How I wished Mr. Santos just left me without feelings. "Please Josh, just let me take my time. Let me work at my own pace."

"And please, wag mo pabayaan sarili m—"

I heard him throw his phone somewhere.

Dumungaw muna ako sa kwarto niya, looking at him who's crying silently. Worry started running through my senses. I slowly walked towards him. He looked at me. He's about to push me away too pero inunahan ko na siya.

I encircled my biceps around him, embracing him securely in my arms. He cried harder as he tried to get away from me but I didn't let him.

I want to cry but I couldn't.

"Please, just let me take care of you."

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