Chapter 2

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"Mr. Josh?" I opened the door of his office... or should I say laboratory. He's now busy on his computer, struggling.

"Shit, too much emotion for the first day," he murmured but I still heard it. I knocked on his door again to let him know my presence. "Oh, JPN, andyan ka na pala," he said as he glanced at me then looked back at his work.

"Ayos ka lang ba, sir?" I asked again as I approach him.

He sighed. "Yeah, I'm fine. May problem lang," he finally left his computer and handed me a glass of liquid. I stared at it for a while and back to him. "C'mon, we both know that's fine for you. You need that to recharge," he said as I drank it.

"Yeah, I know. Thank you," I said as I sat on the sofa.

"So... How's your first day?" He asked me this time as he sat on his chair in front of me.

"Uhm... Fine? I guess," I sighed.

After Stell cried, he immediately found his slumber. I carried him to his bed and tucked him in. It's just two in the afternoon that time so I used my remaining time to clean their house for a bit. When I finished cleaning and he's still sleeping, I prepared him some snacks and dinner as well.

I heard his door creak that caught my attention. I saw him peeking, looking at me. I smiled at him but he just closed the door again. I sighed.

I didn't know it'll be this hard.

I walked towards his room, carrying a tray containing a slice of strawberry pie that I made. I tried opening the door but it's locked. I placed the tray on my foot as I sat.

"Stell," I knocked. No response. "Here, gumawa ako ng strawberry pie oh. You love that, right? You need to eat—"

"How did your even know that? It's creeping me out you know."

For the nth time, I felt a pang in my chest, again.

"Mr. Santos told me about you. We just want to help you."

"If you want to help, leave me alone. Kaya kong mag isa."

"Stell, please. It's my work to help you. Just let me take care of you."



"Stell naman—"

"It's already six, you should leave."

"Not until you eat dinner."

Silence again.

"I won't hangga't nandito ka."

I'm a bit hesitant by his offer but at least he insisted. I slowly stood up, leaving his tray at the door and took my belongings. I looked at the untouched food again before opening the door. My hesitations faded when I heard his door opening completely and a faint sound of his tray being pulled inside. I smiled before leaving, feeling something in my stomach.

"Sa tingin ko, ayos naman," Mr. Santos said that stopped my reminiscing.

"H-huh?" I asked as I look at him.

"You're smiling," he said sheepishly.

I felt something hot in my cheeks. "I-I made him eat dinner... I'm not sure pero kinuha niya yung food na pinrepare ko sa kanya."

"Ah, I see. That's really a good progress," he said, nodding.

"Thank you."

"How's your emotions nga pala?" He asked me, a bit worried.

"It's... I don't know. Ganon pala kapag may feelings or emotion ka. At first, I kind of hate you for adding some feelings and emotions in me," I looked at him and he acted sad. I giggled. "Because he said some harsh things towards me that saddened me for a while and made me feel like someone punched my chest. But after I heard that he took the food I make, something heavy left and I felt something in my stomach."

He smiled. "You know, akala ko talaga, kapag nakita ka na niya, makikinig agad siya sa'yo. Kasi syempre, you exactly look like Paulo, the love of his life. Pero naunahan siya ng reyalidad," he sighed. "Wala talagang makakalusot sa lalaking 'yon. Si Paulo lang talaga," he said then laughed. "Oh, wag kang green dyan ha," he added that made me confused even more. "Ah sorry, AI ka nga pala."

I sighed again, "I didn't know helping someone would be that hard."

He smirked, "Specially if that someone is broken and hurt."

"But I think he just needs his time, Mr. Josh. Don't you think?"

"We already gave him time... To move on. Pero yung pabayaan niya yung sarili niya, iba na 'yon. 'Di ko kaya na sa tuwing bibisita ako sa kanila, halos buto't balat na lang siya," he sipped from his cup of coffee. "If he needs time to move on, we'll let him work by his own pace basta alagaan lang niya sarili niya. Not like that. Do you get me?"

I just nodded.

"You'll get there, JPN," he said as he finished his cup of coffee and walked towards me. He pats my shoulder and added, "I belive in you. Kaya mo."

I could only smile at him.

"You should rest," he said and let me sat on my chair that looks like the chair that dentist's use for their patients. There's a monitor beside it and different apparatuses. "I know your head hurts by the sudden events today," I stared at him as he connect them to my body one by one.

"Goodnight, Mr. Josh."

"Goodnight, JPN. Tomorrow's another day. Goodluck."


I feel like something wants to escape from my chest. Beads of liquid starts forming from my hands and forehead as I felt nervousness and worry.

"Stell, Stell!" I almost shouted but just like the past ten minutes, no response.

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