Chapter 7

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Third Person's POV

"JPN," Mr. Santos called for the nth time and the younger finally looked at him. He's been spacing out for a moment now. "Ayos ka lang ba talaga?" He asked worriedly.

"Yes... Yes, I'm fine, Mr. Santos," he sighed and went inside his office to sit down. "It's nothing. Forget I said anything."

Still confused, the professor then walked towards his computer. He checked the robot's status.

Wala namang mali. He thought.

He glanced back at JPN and smiled.

He's progressing.

"Mr. Santos?"


"Can I change my patient?" He asked that startled Josh again. "Will I change my patient?"

"What?!" He almost shouted. "Why?"

They stared at each other for a while and JPN looked away first. "Nothing."

Josh walked towards him and sat at the couch in front of the younger.

"Tell me. I know something's bothering you."

JPN looked at him again first before drinking. "I just thought, if Stell finally recovered and became independent again, does that mean I'll take care of another patient?"

It's Josh's turn to look away. He never thought of that.

"To be honest, I've never thought of that. It's not that I don't trust myself but I doubt this plan in the first place. Akala ko di sya makakatulong," he looked at him and smiled. "But I was wrong. It's a huge progress for the patient. So I'm proud of you, and to myself as well," he chuckled. "Thank you, JPN," he tapped his shoulder. "And about your question, you're not just there for him to recover, you'll help him as long as you can. Got it?"

He saw how JPN's face lit up and hugged him. He was shocked by that but hugged him back.

"Thank you for creating me," he could feel JPN's smile. "Thank you for letting me take care of him. I'll do my best, I promise."


After he sang yesterday at Stell's house, he almost dropped the guitar when he realized what he did.


I don't know how that feels.

I know what it means. I know the antonyms and synonyms of it. I know it in different languages, yes. But not how it feels.

"Oh," he saw Stell standing at his doorframe that afternoon, rubbing his eye. "Bakit parang nakakita ka ng multo?" He joked and laughed.

"Ah, wala," he shrugged and fixed the guitar back to where it is placed.

After that, he kept his distance from him. Which the younger noticed.

Why? I don't know.

Do I hate him? Definitely not. But the hammer inside my chest whenever he's near is.

JPN knew Stell noticed that by the way his eyebrows met in the middle when they had their dinner. He didn't cooked anymore and just heated the leftover sinigang from earlier.

He knew Stell wanted to ask further, about his current behavior, but he didn't, which he's glad with.

JPN gave his casual goodbye and Stell just waved at him as the other closed the door as he left that night.

As he took his ride home, JPN searched deeper about love.

'What are the signs that you're in love?'

'What is love?'

'Can you fall in love in a span of few days?'

Those are just some of the questions that he searched that time. He got answers, and almost all of them matched his situation. He doesn't know what to feel at the moment, but nervousness took a hold of him.

He's technically a nurse with an specific patient.

What if Stell finally recovered?

Does that mean I will take care of another patient?

He swore his chest almost crashed at the thought. He doesn't want to leave the patient, he never wanted to leave his side.

That's why after what Mr. Santos told him last night, there's something electric that bolted JPN's entire being. He felt happy and thankful at the same time.

He also felt relieved thinking that he'll help Stell the best he could, as long as he can.

Since then, his goal became more specific; take care of Stell everyday and protect him. Forever.

"Good morning," he said lovingly to Stell when he felt him move and open his eyes, adjusting at the light from his window. The younger then saw JPN smiling widely at him, holding a tray of breakfast.

"Breakfast in bed?" JPN asked as he sat and leaned on the headboard. He set it up, smile not leaving his face.

"Good morning," Stell finally found his voice that made JPN look at him and smiled even wider. JPN then extended his arm and brushed the strands of his hair that blocking his eyes. Stell's cheeks grew pink and JPN found it adorable.

"Wait," Stell covered his mouth. "Di pa ako nagtotoothbrush," he confessed that made JPN laugh.

"It's alright," he sat in front of him. Between them is the makeshift table on Stell's lap. "Eat your breakfast first, hm?"

Okay, Stell's feeling different this morning. Something's up with JPN's behavior that he couldn't put a word on. But it sure is better than yesterday afternoon; when JPN suddenly made an invisible gap between them. He felt sad, to be honest. He's supposed to be his patient, but then he acted like that.

But now, he just smiled as he saw at the man before him; joyfully preparing his breakfast.

"Okay," he finally answered with a wide grin plastered on his face.

And that's the most heartwarming breakfast JPN had with his patient.


JPN called that made the other looked at him. He's been staring at him the whole time.


"I'll take care of you," he started. "From now on, I promise to take care and protect you forever."

The younger was dumbfounded, still staring at him. He didn't notice the tear that fell from his eye which the older was quick to wipe it with his thumb.

JPN then held his face and kissed his forehead.

"Is that okay to you?"

He smiled at him and said, "Gladly."


Pt. 2 ng last update haha. Malapit na sa exciting part:))

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