chapter 4

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Third Person's POV

After the little drama they had, things became more awkward between them, or so he thought.

JPN just hugged Stell until he calmed down and found his slumber again. He gathered the utensils and fixed the bed again before tucking him.

He let out a heavy sigh after closing Stell's door, the heavy feeling in his chest never left.

Having the situation that morning, JPN reviewed the information about Paulo. He tried to keep anything that's related to him away for he thinks that it'll help Stell recover faster.

He had a small tour around the house again and his feet took him to the hallway connecting the living room and the kitchen. He noticed the picture frames hanging and most of them are photos of them together; no solo photos found. From every frame to another, he could see and feel how they love each other so much. He couldn't blame Stell if he can't move on that easily. He thinks that their relationship is almost perfect to be forgotten by the stories he heard and these photos just justify them.

From all the photos he had seen, he picked a frame that caught his attention. A medium sized frame where Paulo's head is leaning on Stell's cheek and on their laps are their pets; a baby shi tzu and a ginger cat. He stared at it in awe. He wondered where are those already though?

They really look so perfect.

He grazed his fingers on Stell's smiling face and glanced at the other frames. He can't, he thought. He can't dispose all of this. It's all too precious for him, what more to Stell himself?

JPN just put the frame back on the wall and walked towards the living room, decided to just read a book to kill some time.

He's been so into the story and didn't realize it's almost noon already. He walked his way to the kitchen and prepared a meal for Stell again.

Stell sleeping more is a good thing for him. Mr. Santos told him how sleepless the younger is before and taking back all the sleep will also regain his energy.

As if on cue, Stell's door opened and took his figure out. The younger walks carefully as he rub his eyes and stretched his arms as he yawn, his disheveled hair didn't go unnoticed but the older still finds him cute as he popped his head on the doorway of the kitchen.


JPN can't help but to smile as he saw him walking towards him and sat comfortably on the table.

"Good morning, I guess," the older said.

"Anong oras na?" Stell asked, sleepiness still visible in his voice.

"It's eleven thirty in the morning, tanghali na," he answered as he giggled. "Don't worry, malapit nang maluto 'to."

"What're you cooking?" He planted his arm on the table and leaned his face on his hands, staring at the older's back.

"Chicken curry," he plainly answered as he glanced back at the younger, sensing if there would be any violent reaction. He sighed when he just nodded and answered 'ok'.

After a while, JPN prepared the table for the both of them. He put the dish in the middle that made Stell's stomach grumble a bit, making him laugh.

"What?" Stell asked, pouting. "Ikaw kaya matulog, di ka ba magugutom?" He murmured as JPN placed some rice on his plate.

"Wala akong sinasabi," he plainly stated and continued guiding Stell.

JPN didn't expect this; the aura to be this comfortable after the situation they had earlier. He smiled as he glance at the man in front of him, happily eating his dish.

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