Chapter 5

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I'm humming a random song as I cook breakfast today. Di ko na ginising si Stell sa kwarto niya since I have my spare key with me already.

It's my fifth day helping him and I can see he's doing better. He eats properly at the right time. He's having some proper rest. He also took a bath after a few weeks.

He's improving. A lot.

Hindi ganon kadali. Pero I'm glad he's not angry at me anymore. It took him a while to be completely comfortable with me.

Of course, who wouldn't get pissed with something who looks like your boyfriend that's gone by now? Hay.

Dagdag pa yung pinrank ko sya. I slapped myself mentally.

That's really a wrong move but I'm glad he accepted my peace offering. I also mean every word in that note I gave him. Really glad he accepted it. And now, he's really getting comfy with me.

It started from simple 'thank you's to timid smiles. Until he's being productive again.

I smiled at the thought.

I'm proud of him. So much.

I glanced at his door when I heard the doorknob twists then back to the frying pan I am holding.

"Good morni-" I almost dropped the utensil when I glanced at him, wearing nothing but his boxers. Umiwas agad ako ng tingin sa kanya without an explainable reason. I suddenly felt hot despite the open window near me.


I just nodded.

Nagma-malfunction na naman ako. Tss.

He yawned involuntarily, his eyes half lidded that suddenly grew wide as he saw me. I thought he'll walk back to his room and change but no, he walked towards the the dining table and just sat there quietly.

It's just like what I've felt the other night.

When he smiled at me and said, "Ingat."

Isang salita pero grabe yung epekto sakin.

Plus when he's attention is all over me while cooking yesterday, I felt a sudden urge of electricity from my chest all the way to my face that I can't seem to explain. Di lang dalawang beses. It also happened when we had a good— no, better dinner than before. When Stell started throwing jokes here and there that really enlighten the mood three times better. And lastly, when I'm about to leave their house last night, he gave me a smile before saying, "Ingat ka," again.

I held my chest after closing the door that evening, walking rather quickly just to go home and ask Mr. Santos about it.

"Malfunctioning?" He asked once I sat and drank the liquid he gave me. "How could you if you're the best invention I had?" He asked with a smile, stating rather than questioning. "And my monitor says you're doing fine."

I just sighed. "I don't know either. It's... hard to explain," he sipped from his cup, still looking intently at me.

"Is this about Stell?"


"Does he have anything to do with this?"

"No..." I lied and I saw him smirk that he quickly took back.

He went to his computer to check something. Maybe about my situation. He came back and sat before saying, "I don't see anything wrong with it," and sipped from his cup again.

I sighed.

He tap my shoulder and smiled. "You don't have anything to worry about, JPN, you're doing great actually. Good work," he said before leaving me at his office.

"Huy! Masusunog na yung hotdog!" Stell almost yelled that took me back to my senses. He snickered as I got startled. I jokingly glared at him.

I just continued cooking.

"Wash your hand-"

I wasn't able to finish my sentence when our eyes met, faces just inches away from each other. I felt my chest malfunctioning again, my cheeks seems to overheat by the sensation.

"Kukunin ko lang sana yung sandok," he said as he pointed the utensils hanging just above me. I immediately took a step back.

"Y-yeah, wash your hands too. Kakain na tayo," I said which he nodded to.

"And also, magdamit ka. Di porket summer ngayon, maghuhubad ka na lagi," I continuously muttered while preparing the table.

"Bakit?" He stepped closer and put his hand on the table, looking at me teasingly. "Naiilang ka?"

It took all my courage and strength just to keep a stern face in front of him as I said, "No, I'm just concerned with your health," and continued placing the dishes.

I secretly let out a deep breath when he walked back and went back to his room. I clenched my fist on my chest as it started malfunctioning again.

I felt more relief when I saw him wearing a shirt now, walking towards me. He's now wearing his glasses making me feel something different again. He then sat in front of me and started eating as well.

May shirt na siya pero di pa rin ako makatingin nang diretso.

I tensed again when I felt him staring at me. I shrugged it off. But then he slowly move forward and I chose to ignore him despite the hammering feeling inside my chest. Did Mr. Santos really put a hammer inside it?

I flinched when he touched my cheek. Then fully cupped my face, making me look at him completely. His gaze locked mine. My eyes grew wide.

We stared at each other.

One second.

Two seconds.


There's something urging me to move forward but then he withdrew his hand, letting go of my face, still having my stern look. I felt relieved again and... Disappointed?

What? Why would I feel disappointed?!

I slap myself inside my mind.

I heard him sigh and groan. He placed his hands on the table and held his face on it. "Di ba tumatalab sayo kagwapuhan ko?" He said and made a sad face making me laugh.

I suddenly hit his head jokingly like it's a natural thing and it felt like it. He made a sad expression again.


"I'm a robot. You're my patient. Normal siguro yun," I lied. "And also, you're handsome, Stell. Kahit sino tatalaban nan."

He stared at me and smiled.

"JPN," I almost dropped my spoon when he called me. "Or Paulo? Which one do you prefer?"

"Ikaw bahala," I casually said making him giggle.

He held my hand that's resting on the table that made me look at him again. He smiled at me before saying, "Thank you, Pau."

Another day passed and just like that, I can't seem to look at him straightly. My chest keeps on beating hard whenever he's near. I can't seem to compose myself.

And that's when I realized, I really need some help.

Hello!! Sorry for the super laaaaaate update. Kung di niyo alam, I attended DD Con last week that made me very busy due to preparations plus school works and such. Thank you so much for waiting patiently.

It's almost the end. Hang in there~^^

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