Tommy's friend.

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Tommy quickly got out of his room and went to the living room. "Dad! i'm going out to see a friend" The kid shouted while putting on his shoes. "Sure Tommy! Be safe, go back home in time for dinner!" Phil shouted back from the kitchen. Techno and Wilbur looked at Tommy. "Wilbur i don't think Tommy has other friends than us-" Techno said. Wilbur pushed Techno's arm playfully. "Sh- don't be like that- cmon let's follow him." Wilbur said as he put on his shoes. "Cmon let's go" Wilbur said pulling Techno. "DAD WE'LL GO FOLLOW TOMMY!- TO UH MAKE SURE HE'S SAFE!" Techno shouted before going out. "Oh ok?" Phil laughed. "I think their being a bit too overprotective" Phil thought to himself. The boys followed Tommy. When Tommy got to the place. They hid behind the bushes. Tommy sat on the grass and waited for his friend. 10 minutes passed. Tommy's friend is still not here. Techno sighed. "Will its been 10 minutes..I don't think Tommy's friend is coming." Techno said starting to get up. "Techno! Get down!" Wilbur said pulling Techno. Suddenly someone teleported to Tommy. "Boo! your here!" Tommy said happily. "Hey Toms" Ranboo smiled, wagging his tail and sat next to Tommy. Techno and Wilbur looked at each other and smiled. "So that's his friend"

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