Tommy has a nightmare

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Ranboo pov:

I hear something from the kitchen. I get up and sit on the edge of my bed and looked around to see light coming from the kitchen. I turn to look at Tubbo's bed. He was sleeping so it must be Tommy in the kitchen. I stood up and started walking towards the kitchen. "Hey Toms, getting a glass of water?" I greeted the blonde. Tommy flinched and hit my arm by accident. "What the heck!? Ranboo you scared me!" I smiled awkwardly. "Sorry- Uh why are you up this late?" Tommy stayed silent. "I had a nightmare-" He said embarrassed. "Oh..that happens to everyone sometimes Tommy. No need to be embarrassed about it." I said as i got a cup and filled it with water. "Ok- uh i should go now..Thanks i guess-" Tommy said. I knew he still felt scared about it. "Don't worry about it Tommy" Tommy calmed down. "Thanks again ranboo..goodnight" I laugh. "Night night child" Tommy playfully rolled his eyes and went to bed.

(Ik i said that i will make chapters tomorrow. But i kinda wanted to do them now even if its like in the middle of the night- so yeah! Thats all! Make sure to eat drink, sleep, and take care of urself. <3)

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