chapter five: gilgamesh's goodbye

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"Get down," Druig said sternly, pushing you back into the forest until you were sheltered by a large tree. "Stay here," he added, before running back to the clearing with the others.

"Druig!" you shouted, clutching onto the tree, but he didn't look back.

If you couldn't be of help in this fight, you needed to make yourself useful elsewhere. You sprinted through the forest, picking up any human stragglers you found and ensuring their safety. You brought an entire group back to the compound, shoving them into one of the main buildings, before heading back out to collect more.

The entire time, you were thinking of him. You caught his eye a few times as you protected the humans—his combat, his stealth, all topped off with a lopsided smile whenever he got ahead of a deviant. It'd been centuries since you'd allowed yourself to indulge in memories of him, and now here you were witnessing him first-hand once more.

There were three in total; one already whisked Ikaris into the skies; one in the clearing; one—


Gilgamesh yelled through the trees, and that's when you felt the stomp of his hulkish feet against the ground, racing towards his Thena— in a race with a deviant.

Thena was against the trunk of a large tree, her mind deceiving her and overrunning her logical brain with memories of the past. The deviant was gaining ground fast, but she was stuck in place, depending solely on Gil who was rushing to protect her.

"Stay... stay..." she muttered, as the deviant jumped into the air, ready to attack.

"No!" Gil yelled.

"Gil!" you screamed, rushing towards them both, just as the strongest of the Eternals bombarded into the side of the deviant, knocking it off its path of destruction.

He and the deviant fell to the ground. Gil placed a strong punch around the creature's jaw, smashing it back up to standing. He trampled over leaves and broken branches until he too was upright, and gave the screeching deviant another whack for good measure.

You reached Thena and used your body to shield her.

"Get her out of here!" Gil yelled, taking hold of the deviant's jaw with both hands and pulled its mouth wide open. He grunted. "Now!"

Thena placed her palms on your back gently. You frowned at Gil.

"What about you?" you yelled desperately. "I'll get Ikaris, I'll get Kingo—,"

In a split second, Gil was thrust to the ground. Tendrils snaked from the deviant's back, each one as sharp as a bayonet, plunging straight into Gilgamesh's flesh. Thena let out a scream behind you, but you were tongue tied as tears began to obscure your vision; powerless.

"Gil?" you questioned, as he was lifted to the sky, another three tendrils impaling him one by one. You'd never seen this before, nor did you have the strength to fight or the time to get help. It was no use.

With a gut-wrenching crunch, a final tendril stabbed through Gilgamesh's neck, and that's when you saw it; his golden light, his power, slinking up into the deviant itself.

This was what happened to Ajak. This was what killed her.

You slammed your hands over your mouth, holding back a scream as you fell back into Thena. The warrior wrapped her arms around you, both of you helpless while she was in this state.

Arishem, why did you make me this useless? My family is dying, and I can do nothing but watch.

Unceremoniously, the creature finally dropped Gil to the ground, before falling back itself. You rushed forward immediately, struggling to breathe as you clutched Gilgamesh's hand. "No, no—" you stuttered out. "You're okay, you're okay—,"

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