chapter eleven: resurrection

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You lost your balance as you fumbled backwards, eyes glued on the smirking Eternal. He was battered and bruised, but walking. He was bleeding from his head, but sauntering over to you with enough swagger to make everyone know that he'd just helped save the world.

"You—," you let out, but that was all you could find words for. A simple stutter, a mutter of utter shock and confusion.

You'd seen him go down, down, down. You thought he'd died.

You clenched your jaw when tears started to well in your eyes, stepping away from the others as he approached you with such purpose.

"You promised me you wouldn't die," you let out, your voice scratching the back of your throat.

"And I didn't, sweetheart," he said, upping his pace as you still tried to regain your composure. The relief you felt was like nothing before; injecting into your core and spiralling out until your flittering heart finally slowed down and your eyes focused enough to be able to actually look at him—

Happy, smiling, bounding towards you with large steps and open arms.

He knew he'd been close to death; more than you did; but the look on his face didn't portray that. It said I kept my promise. I'm still here.

"Don't you dare," you said weakly, wanting to be mad at him, as he stretched open his arms and smiled even wider as he approached you. You were still reeling from the shock and the anger, from this game that had happened without it being anyone's fault, but Druig didn't care.

He just wanted to embrace you. To feel you. To know that you finally could get back all the time you missed together.

Tears fell from your eyes then, as your boy was two steps away. "Druig—," you croaked, but you were cut off by his arms encapsulating you in an embrace that felt so different to what you'd had before.

It was both rushed and steady. It was both craved and fearful of being lost as soon as you touched him. And you couldn't do anything except hug him back; hug him back so hard that you were sure your ribs might crack all over again and your lungs might collapse.

He placed his hand on the back of your neck, holding you in place as his body pressed against yours. "We have plans," he whispered. "I couldn't miss 'em," you let out a scoff as he pulled away slightly, slinking his hands over to rest on each side of your face.

His forehead was against yours as if on cue.

You knew he could feel your thoughts, know every word that travelled through your mind, and in that moment you knew exactly what he was hearing—

I love you so much.

He let out a laugh, closing his eyes comfortably. "I don't need to be a mind reader to know that," you squeezed him affectionately, still reeling from the utter relief you felt.

"Shut up, Druig," you let out.

"Make me," he replied instantly.

You took the words right out of his mouth as you leant in then, bridging the gap between the two of you. It'd been eight thousand years too late, but finally your lips were on his and his were on yours. He kissed softly, softer than you thought Druig would, but you weren't complaining about the way they danced slowly over your own.

He tightened his grip on the back of your neck while you moved your hands to either side of his face. You pulled him forward, even though there was no space between you anymore.

Phastos was the first to sigh in amusement. He leant towards Thena slowly. "I thought they'd already made out once before?" he whispered. Thena smirked knowingly.

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