chapter six: a needed laugh

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By the late evening, festivities were underway. It was only right for stories to be recalled as anecdotes after such a strange few days. You hated to admit it, but after so long without your fellow Eternals, it was nice to be around them like this.

You'd always enjoyed their grand parties before, the after battle libations and celebrations. They'd been in short supply over the past thousand years, but now—sat around a table with your family, jogging memories of the past and actually talking to each other was a welcomed change to what you'd used to encounter.

You were all the same age, but your looks definitely proved that to be subjective. Sprite got it the worst, that was for certain. With the looks of a child, but the mind of someone much more ancient, you couldn't imagine the struggle it'd been.

She seemed to take the jokes well.

"At Gil's, he didn't even give her alcohol," Kingo quipped, sparking chuckles around the table.

"It's not like any of us can get drunk, anyway," Sprite said bitterly, sipping at a beer. You sent her an amused smile.

"Still fun, though," Kingo began. "Being alongside drunk humans is always an adventure. You know, it's somewhat of an aphrodisiac,"

The table went quiet immediately, but smug smiles were littered everywhere. You were trying everything within your power not to broadcast the word sex in your mind when Druig was sat right next to you.

Phastos coughed awkwardly, prompting Kingo to slam his glass on the table. "Oh, come on, people. Eight thousand years and we can't talk about sex?"

"We're all more than capable, Kingo," you spoke up, taking a sip of your drink. "Maybe certain things should go unsaid," Kingo huffed immediately, sending you wide eyes with raised brows.

"Well, maybe that's just you," he hit back with, and you knew exactly what he was thinking without needing Druig's power. You opened your mouth slowly, trying to find the words, as your gaze skimmed the other entertained Eternals.

You turned to Druig. "Is he...?"

"Calling you a virgin? Yes, he is," Druig smirked, and the table erupted into giggles. Ikaris almost spat his drink out, prompting Sprite to grab a handful of napkins. Sersi was holding in her laughter, her cheeks red from beer. Phastos was biting down on his tongue and Thena pursed her lips in amusement, but the open faces of Kingo and Druig lit a fire in your gut.

It's like we've just been born, Arishem.

You turned back to Kingo, tongue tied but raging. "Kingo—,"

"Oh, come on! I'm just teasing, I don't actually believe that," he tried to defend himself.

"He's lying," Druig said immediately, swilling his drink in amusement.

"Kingo!" you snapped. He raised his hands in defence.

"Hey! Hey—I'm sorry. It's just, you've always come across so sweet and naïve," you sent him a death stare. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry,"

"Unbelievable," you muttered.

"Look, even goody-two-shoes' Sersi and Ikaris did it in the dirt—,"

"Kingo," Ikaris warned.

"Hey!" Sersi yelled simultaneously.

"Did it? What are you, twelve?" you said, scowling, but you couldn't deny you were finding the entire ordeal funny. "You all believe this?" you asked suddenly, looking round at the red faces of your fellows. "You all believe I haven't? After eight thousand years?" you hated that word.

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