chapter ten: your fight

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As soon as Ikaris stepped upon the beach, Makkari sprang into action. She sped up, running circles around the Eternal and only stopping momentarily to whack a massive punch around his jaw. Ikaris grunted with each hit, but he seemed unphased by them—

Until Makkari smashed him into the eroded cliff face of the beach. She pushed him back so hard that the rock cracked behind his back, and even then she didn't let up with her punches. If Makkari wanted to speak out loud, you'd bet you already knew what she'd scream;

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.

You still hadn't decided what you'd say to the hulking man before you. Before today, you would have followed him anywhere. It was always said that he was the best of you all, the Eternals, with his godlike abilities and kind heart—

But it was all a lie. It was all fake.

As soon as it came out that he'd killed Ajak, you could never see him in the same way.

When he let you fell, you could never love him again.

When he killed Druig—

You would never let him live with it.

Ikaris composed himself enough to push back against Makkari's might. Your heart jolted when he thrashed her backwards, but she regained her balance quickly and efficiently. They both fought their way to the centre of the beach, where Phastos was working fast.

You finally made your way to the beach below, going a different route to avoid Ikaris seeing you approach their fight. You sped down the coast, skipping over rocks and jumping over clumps of dirt and wet sand.

All you felt was rage, but you were trying desperately the innately calm yourself down. You didn't want to completely destroy him. You wanted him to feel the consequences of all he'd done.

You wanted him to hurt.

"I've been wanting to clip your wings for a long time!" Phastos shouted, as you finally rounded the final corner onto the beach.

The scene before you emerged. Phastos whirred a machine in his hands. Golden strands of immense strength jutted from a contraption, controlled by his own fingertips. The strands reached forward threateningly, wrapping themselves around Ikaris' wrists, ankles, neck, and plunging into the ground below, keeping him grounded.

He grunted; trapped. Phastos tightened the contraption, and with a frustrated groan Ikaris dropped onto his knees. You rushed towards the three of them, approaching Makkari slowly as you finally caught your breath.

"You... will pay for this," Ikaris said through a clenched jaw. Phastos scowled at him in disgust. You turned your gaze to the volcano for just a moment, sending a silent prayer to Sersi.

You can do this. You were chosen.

Placing a gentle arm on Makkari's shoulder, she turned to you abruptly. You didn't wish to scare her, but she'd already been on edge. You sent her an apologetic smile. "You okay?" you said. She nodded, her face blank.

"He killed Druig," she signed sadly, her eyes welling.

"I know," you replied, trying to keep what limited composure you had left. Your heart had left your body now, and was back on that rock above. It was flopping on the floor, beating slowly but starting to decrease, down, down, down, until it would stop beating soon.

You didn't want to scream again. You didn't want to cry any more.

Maybe you wanted revenge. Maybe you wanted penance.

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