chapter two point five

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From the Eternals perspective: you flee for New York and Sersi goes to Druig to get you back. 

"Shit," Sersi muttered to herself, upon entering into your utterly barren apartment. "She fled," she explained to Sprite, who entered through the doorway, circular sunglasses on her nose. The young Eternal slotted them down, so her eyes could peer over the darkened lenses.

"Are we surprised?" she asked.

Sersi let out a sigh, before turning to the doorway. Ikaris leaned against the frame, arms crossed. He shrugged. "I'm not surprised," he admitted. "Five thousand years of freedom after what happened in Babylon... it's a no brainer why she'd want to be left alone,"

"I really wanted to... I don't know... properly apologise," Sersi let out.

"Then you know who we need to go to," Sprite said, raising her brows at her. Sersi tilted her head back, placing her hands on her hips.

"Oh, Arishem," she whispered. "She's going to kill us,"

"She'll be too caught up with seeing Druig again to be mad at us," Ikaris said, amusement on his lips.

"I wouldn't be so sure," Sprite said. "You didn't see her before. She told me to fuck off, basically," Ikaris winced.

"Damn," he muttered.

"Fine," Sersi said breathlessly. "We'll get the others first, and then we'll find him," she spouted her action plan. Ikaris and Sprite nodded in agreement, before the three of them left your newly abandoned apartment. Little did they know, you were on a plane to New York City already.

The three of them descended the stairs of your apartment building, steering clear of the creaky elevator that was one trip away from snapping.

"Fucks sake—this girl, I swear," someone muttered from below, stomping up the steps two at a time, until they were before the Eternals. She grimaced, smiling awkwardly. "Sorry," she apologised, shoving herself to the side and whisking past Sersi to get to your floor. She didn't even notice that it was a face she knew.

Sersi stopped abruptly, looking back at Heidi. She was obviously in disarray, sweating profusely from climbing the six flights of stairs beneath them.

"Hey!" Heidi banged her fists on the door to your empty apartment. "You can't just send me shit like this," she yelled, lifting her phone to the door and using it as a small battering ram. "I swear, if this is some elaborate prank, I'll fucking kill you—,"

"She's not there, Heidi" Sersi said suddenly, swallowing down her anxiety. "She's moved away,"

Heidi turned to her, eyes wide, on the brink of tears. "Sersi?" she asked, finally noticing her work colleague. "What—what do you mean? We saw her last night," she said, donning a confused smile. It was a smile of shock. "I thought you just met her?" Heidi quipped. "Why are you here?"

Ikaris carried a tray of coffees back to their small Costa table, a permanently awkward expression stamped on his face. Heidi was sobbing in the coffee shop, blowing her nose wildly with Costa napkins and asking every question in the book.

"What the fuck is an Eternal? Why wouldn't she tell me this herself—she's just gone!" Heidi cried. Sersi grimaced, passing her another napkin. Sprite frowned as she shoved an entire wad of used ones on the floor.

"I'm sorry," Sersi said. "It can be... difficult to tell people. And us appearing after so long must have scared her," Heidi nodded in understanding.

Sprite picked up Heidi's phone. "Still though, this text does sound pretty... suicidal," Ikaris coughed abruptly, kicking his foot into Sprite's shin. She let out a yelp, dropping the phone. "Sorry," she said, rubbing her leg, annoyed.

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