missed you

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Ayo what 🧐 ty <3 Btw i don't know what is this

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Ayo what 🧐 ty <3
Btw i don't know what is this. It's actually very VERY short, but kind of cute. a one shot doesn't need thousands of words to be good, right? Hahah😅😅😅😅😅
my works are shitty anyways
*not proofread but what's new*


Yeonjun stands excitedly at the airport, waiting for Huenigkai. The boys have gotten a month long break,Kai and his family took this opportunity to take a huge trip to America, then Brazil to visit relatives. He had been gone for 2 weeks now and the older misses his ningning more anything. Sure they communicated every day but it's not the same, Jun missed kissing and touching his boyfriend in every possible way. After what felt like forever, the plane from California finally lands, Yeonjun immediately spotting Kai in the crowd among the busy people.

"JUNNIE!!!" Kai yelled cutely, running straight (or should I say gay) to Yeonjun with two heavy suitcases and lots of bags. Not caring about people seeing them, Yeonjun spins the younger in the air then kisses him like his life depended on it. Kai mewls into the kiss as his hands went into his boyfriends hair to grip at it harshly,feeling like he was gonna melt in Yeonjun's arms.

"I missed you so much baby." Kai whispered, giving Yeonjun a soft peck on the lips. Finally together again, these two weeks felt like 10 years, but finally all 5 of them could spend time with their families properly.

"I missed you too. I'll take you to dinner. How does that sound?" Yeonjun smiled sweetly while taking a hold of Kai's beautiful hands,their relationship was public anyways so they couldn't care less honestly. Kai nods, letting Yeonjun carry some of his bags. What a perfect guy. "But first, let's take this heavy stuff to a hotel."

"A hotel? Aren't we staying at your place?" Kai asks confused. Yeonjun just smirks.

"Oh no. I have other plans with you tonight."

"Ooooooh~~ hehe okay." Huening Kai giggles, melting Yeonjun's heart. He had to stop walking, stand in front of Kai and squish his adorable cheeks, hugging him tightly afterwards.

"Too cute. Now let's gooooooo!" He says, a little too excited to be with the love of his life. Kai let out a yelp when the older grabbed his wrist,dragging him in the direction of the hotel, suddenly slowing down when he realised that they were carrying too much stuff.

"Sorry, love." Yeonjun said in a cute tone, kissing Kai's hand gently who blushed at the action, mumbling something that Jun couldn't understand. "What did you say?"

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