i don't want you to be with him

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I honestly don't know what is this. its messy.lots of repetitive words,literally does mot make any sense whatsoever. i stayed up untill 2 in the mornig to finish this since i promised that i would post this friday. so there might be some errors...idk. enjoy, i guess?
Sorry about the crappy title. Idk what else to put

*not proofread*


Stupid, stupid Soobin!! I hate him so much, i hate that he is slowly stealing my boyfriend away from me. It hurts like hell. It hurts when they look at each other so lovingly, when Yeonjun cancels his plans with me for Soobin. It all just hurts so much, even right now he's at that dior event with guess who? Soobin. He could have brought me with him but noooo, and now everyone is shipping them even more. Am i not good enough? Or am i ugly...?
My thoughts were interrupted by the front door opening, the two step in while laughing at something loudly as Soobin clings onto my boyfriends arm.

"Hi,my love~" Yeonjun purrs,grabbing onto my waist and giving me a peck on my forehead. Just a peck. I don't even know when was the last time we had a make out session or had some alone time. All he sees is Soobin. Nothing and no one else. "I'm gonna change,okay?" He asks and u just nod quietly, sitting down in the kitchen where Soobin was making a snack.

"You know he is gonna leave you soon, right?" He looks at me with a devilish smirk on his face that i wanted to punch off. I look at him with a confused face.


"What i said. He's gonna leave you soon. I'm better than you, y'know? I'm older,have way more muscles,and i definitely look better than you. I mean...do you ever look at yourself in the mirror?" He cupped my face harshly as i was on the verge of tears. Every word was like a stab to my chest, it hurt to hear those words from someone that was my best friend, someone that i trusted more than anyone. "No wonder he doesn't want you anymore. You're useless, if i could, i would have removed you from the group a long time ago." I couldn't take it anymore, tears started to fall from from my eyes like a waterfall. Without hesitation i ran out of the house.
"A....and then he told me that *hiccup* i was useless...It hurts, mama" I hardly cried into my stepmom's shoulder as she was playing with my hair in attempt to calm me down. Originally i wanted to go home,but then remembered that both Lea and Mom are out and wouldn't be back until late night. But thankfully my dad and stepmom are in Korea for a while.

"Oh come on honey. You're not useless at all, he's just jealous that Junnie is with you and not him. Don't listen to those things he says cause they are not true. You are the most precious and talented boy i know. And you are beautiful too, inside and out. The most beautiful boy ever and i love you so,so much. Don't ever believe if someone calls you ugly, or untalented. As i said  they're just jealous. And if you're really afraid that Yeonjun is going to leave you then talk to him. Tell him what's bothering you. Okay, my love?" She continued to play with my hair,her words made me feel a little better, I've known her since i was little and she always loved me and my siblings like we were her own and I'm extremely grateful for that. I will definitely have a conversation with Yeonjun about this. Me and my stepmom talked a little more before my dad came home and we made cookies together. It was honestly such a great time but soon it became dark and it was time for me to go back to the dorm.

With shaky hands, i opened the door and was met with dead silence. Where is everyone?

"Oh. You are back." Soobin comes down the stairs with a bored expression on his face, my head hanging low, remembering all the things he said to me.

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