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First oneshot of 2024! Yay! At least i think this is the first...? I dunno. Anywho sorry for being away for so long,im alive but barely. Enjoy this oneshot that i actually started writing after Yeonkai's Mix&Max last year but uhm *cough cough* i didn't finish it until now cause well...i forgot.🧍‍♂️


"You're doing so good Yeonjun noona!!" Hueningkai happy cheers for his boyfriend in the one of many practice rooms in hybe. The two of them were currently practicing for their Mix & Max studio choom performance,a great opportunity to show off their true dancing skills and how well they compliment each other. Both of them were very very excited for this,and have been working hard. Especially Yeonjun. Maybe a little too hard.... whenever he would not be satisfied with his moves the boy would do it all over again and again until he was so tired. This was the case now too, they've been in the practice room for more than an hour, repeating the same one movie without any break. This worrying Huening Kai,cause his boyfriend was doing such such a good job but he himself couldn't see it..he was too hard on himself most of the time.

"Come on baby boy,you need to take a break." The younger says while stopping the music and taking Yeonjun's sweaty hand and guiding it to the small couch that was in the room, pushing Yeonjun to sit down. "Hyungie you're so good at everything you do,please don't be so hard on yourself. It is really worrying me." The younger pouted, giving his boyfriend a huge kiss on the cheek which made Yeonjun smile widely. Kai was absolutely right,he was really caring too much and practicing more than he should have.

"You're right pudding,i'm sorry for worrying you." Yeonjun says in a sweet tone before placing a gentle kiss on Kai's forehead.

"It's okay just don't do it again!"

"Promise!" They linked their pinkies together and just stared at each which practically hearts in their eyes,the two loved each other so so insanely much. "So..am i really that good?" Yeonjun spoke up after a couple seconds of comfortable silence. Huening Kai nodded eagerly, letting out a small yelp when he was suddenly sat in his boyfriend's lap.
"If i'm so good,don't you think i deserve a reward~?" Yeonjun smiled innocently,giggling when Kai looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You want me to fuck you in our company..? Okay. Your wish is my command,my prince." Kai winks, leaving little kitten licks on Yeonjun's neck while slowly starting to grind his ass against the said boy's crotch, smiling to himself when he heard the older produce delicious sounds that were magic to his ears.

"P-please, i want you" He whines cutely,hissing when Kai sucked on a spot on his neck harshly,it was almost like he could feel Kai digging his teeth into his skin. The bulge in his pants was starting to be uncomfortable and he wanted to be filled as soon as possible. Suddenly he gets pulled up from the couch and dragged along the building,he had no idea where Kai was taking him but it meant he was definitely gonna get fucked...in one of the halls they run into Soobin

"Hey Hueningie!! Do you---

"No! Sorry Binnie,got something important to do" Huening cuts off the leader, leaving the bunny looking boy very confused. The two lovebirds enter a soundproof studio and Huening Kai wasted no time as he pushed his lover against the well locked door, furiously making out while the blonde quickly unbuckled Yeonjun's belt and pushed him down onto the couch which was slightly bigger than the one in the practice room. Here they could at least fuck loudly and comfortably.

"We're gonna do this quickly,okay sweetheart? And then tonight i'm gonna fuck you all night,so be in my room at exactly 9pm." Huening Kai smiled innocently as he was tugging down Yeonjun's pants along with his underwear that was drenched in precum. "Ah looks like someone is excited~" he teases while spreading his boyfriend's legs widely who was looking at him with doe eyes and bruised lips..oh how Huening Kai wanted to mess him up even more. He grabbed Yeonjun's face harshly,slamming their lips together while trying to free himself from his pants at the same time. Once he succeeded the boy pushes his member in,the tight heat welcoming him immediately, swallowing his dick so well.

"Ngh!!" The older moans into Kai's mouth who breaks the kiss and puts one of Yeonjun's legs on his shoulder,making his dick slide even deeper. "s-so big" Yeonjun whines out,he felt so so full yet it was not even halfway in. Kai giggles,starting to slowly rock his hips back and forth at a slow pace, definitely not wanting to hurt his baby.

"Fuck you're so tight-ah!" Huening Kai moans softly as Yeonjun suddenly clenched his walls around his dick,he took it as a signal and started fastening up the pace watching as his boyfriend closed his eyes and bit his lips, squirming around a bit. "Need something to hold onto,hmm?" Before even getting an answer he flips Yeonjun onto his hands and knees and gives the boy a soft pillow. "Here hold this, pretty baby." He pats Yeonjun on the head and pushes his ass up, wasting no time to dive right back in.

"Ah! Ah!" Yeonjun moans loudly,the feeling of Kai inside of him was so addicting and honestly he could never get enough of his Ning. He made sure to be a good boy and arch his back just the way how the younger liked it. Due to them being so busy the two had rarely any time to do stuff,so this felt extra good and the boy was enjoying every single second of it. "Daddy,faster p-please!"

"As you wish,noona" Huening Kai obeyed,with one hand grabbing Yeonjun's waist and with the other taking a fistful of his hair, pulling his head up and connecting their lips in a heated kiss while slamming into Yeonjun with much more force,making the said boy see stars from all the pleasure he was feeling. It took Kai some time to find his boyfriend's sweet spot,but once he found it he made sure to abuse it like there was no tomorrow.

"Ah! Ah! F-fuck,yes! there please,fuck me right there!" Yeonjun nearly screams out as he was getting fucked senseless,the knot in his tummy becoming tighter and tighter with every thrust the younger was giving him. "Ngh~ don't you dare t-to fucking stop!" He whispers, burying his face in the small pillow.

"God,you take me so well. Such a good boy for me" Huening Kai groans,slapping Yeonjun's ass. "Are you close darling?" After getting a nod as a response he fastens up the pace even more if that's possible, feeling his own stomach churn with the well known feeling. With those thrusts it didn't take long for Yeonjun to cum all over the black couch,while Huening Kai filled him up to the point it was dripping out of his fucked out entrance. "Taste it." Kai says,getting some white on his fingers and showing them inside Yeonjun's mouth who happily started sucking,despite breathing heavily, trying to calm down from this intense orgasm.

After they were done for real,the two cleaned up really well and headed out of the studio hand in hand, hoping to not run into anybody that they knew well.

"Oh there you are!!" The leader runs up to the lovebirds. "Where were you? We were looking for you for like 30 minutes!" Soobin said,but then he saw how messy Yeonjun's hair was and the marks on his neck he immediately knew where they were gone. "Y-you know what? I don't wanna know what were you doing. Just don't do it again in the company. Now come on, we have a live scheduled in 10 minutes."

"Hehe,it was worth it tho right?" Kai asks his boyfriend when Soobin left and Yeonjun nodded eagerly, placing a huge kiss on Kai's cheek.

"Yes~ We should definitely do it again but this time in front of the mirror in the practice room!!"

"You silly boy that would be too risky" Huening giggles,wrapping his arms around Yeonjun as they slowly walked down the hall.

LOVE SHOT - YEONKAI ONESHOTS Where stories live. Discover now