Drastic texts.(bbc)

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When will you be home for tea?-JW

John wanted to begin cooking, it's not like he enjoyed it, just Sherlock happened to.. burn things. He hadn't seen his husband since late morning, and no contact happened between them. Although he trusted the brunette, he could be...random.

I won't be, well I don't reckon I will be unless we postpone it for a day, maybe 2.-SH

What are you on about? Where are you Sherlock?-JW

Please don't get mad.-SH

What did you do?-JW

I was running after a suspect, (I'll inform you more on the case when we next see eachother x) and I knew a shortcut to where he was directed to, so I ran over a few more of thr busier roads. And I managed to have a small accident with a car.-SH

You got hit by a car?!-JW

Barely. I've only broken a couple ribs, and sprained my arm. I believe a fractured ankle, but I'm practically pristine.-SH

I'm coming now, is it St Bartholomew's Hospital?-JW

(Yes) but John there is no need, it's hours past visiting hours and I'm rather tired.-SH

Firstly Sherlock, I don't give a crap about visiting hours, your my husband I'll see you when I please. Secondly, your Sherlock Holmes. The only time you sleep is when your high or I have to restrain you.-JW

I'll be there in 10 minutes.-JW

Sherlock sighed, feeling his lips forcefully turn into a smile. He painfully dropping his phone against his chest resulting in him hissing in pain, he loved the attention from his lover but he believed this was irrational.
Minutes passed of silence, sherlock was debating the case with his eyes closed, exploring his mind palace before pleads of a woman were heard from down the hall. His head slightly rose to see the figure of his husband enter as well as a nurse.
"Sir you cant be here, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." She announced, straightening her posture.
"I know, you've been saying that the whole way up. Though I am staying with my husband wether you like it or not." He practically growled turning to Sherlock, his mouth made a small o shape seeing the scars on his face.
"If your not gone in 10 minutes, I'll have to bring up security." She walked out, they waited until they could no longer hear her feet against the cold floor.
"God sake sherlock, what on Earth are you doing to yourself?" He hummed, running his thumb down the slender man's jaw.
"I know I know, pity me. When can we go home?" His glass eyes started into his lovers, with a blank facial expression.
"Not for a good week by the looks of it, you certainly won't be doing cases." He whispered, seeing the opposing man's facial expression change.
"That's not fair, I'm perfectly capable of proceeding with cases!" His voice snapped in defence, arching his eyebrows.
"Can you sit up right now?" A small smile appeared on the shorter man's face, obviously showing that he is in superior position.
"Now your simply shaming me for my injuries, you know what. I could class that as a offence." He huffed, attempting to hide his small smile.
"Shut up you idiot." John laughed, leaning forward to plant a small kiss on Sherlocks lips. They exchanged small touches of affection, and little giggles over the situation.
"Do you have to go?" Sherlock muttered, staring up at his partner.
"Absolutely not." John smiled, now sitting down on a chair beside the bed, he cradled Sherlocks healthy hand, trailing small kisses up his arm.
"Love you, John Watson." Sherlock yawned, placing his head down on the pillow, staring at his lover.
"I love you too."

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