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Sherlock was Never the most healthy after his recovery from drugs, although he held a active lifestyle. (Which was mostly running after suspects,) he would never recover fully from the damage inflicted on his body.
Sherlock constantly complained to his lover about how he struggled to breathe, or how his chest and ribs hurt, or how he was always tired and never hungry. John advised him to go to the hospital, or at least let him try some breathing exercises on him, though the detective always refused.

It was a late evening, John and sherlock were running to catch a cab. Though unexpectedly the brunet stopped, his hand gripped his clothing as he hunched over a railing, he was gasping for air, pain thriving through his body, he coughed spitting drops of blood onto the concrete ledge. John was quick to act, wrapping a arm around sherlock to keep him standing, and calling 999 before sherlock fell unconscious.

When he woke up he felt as if he were to drop again, the numbness on his finger tips and the dizziness in his head, he'd obviously been given something to stop the pain. He glanced around, grabbing johns attention.
"Sherlock!" The man got up, hurrying over to stroke his lovers cheek. "You scared.. the shit out of me." A nervous chuckle emitted.
"John.. John what have they done to me?" The detectives voice grumbled, merely louder than a whisper.
"They've ran a few test, nothing much.."
"Don't listen to the results, I don't want you to see them." His voice was very quick to interrupt johns, it immediately clicked. Of course sherlock knew what was wrong with him, of course he tried to hide it.
"So you know what's going on, tell m-"
"We have Mr Holmes test results." A slender woman entered the room, holding a clipboard. It wasn't rock science to notice it was bad news.
John was advised to sit down, and after a small discussion it was confirmed sherlock had lung cancer, stage 3.
"What's his survival rate?" John interrupted, his foot quickly patting against the floor. She just sighed, glancing at sherlock then back at John.

Over the next few months John and Sherlock spent every minute they could together, whether it was watching crappy shows on their laptops, or reading through cases online. John would press himself against sherlock, mainly holding him close, never wanting to let him go, too scared to loose another person he cared so deeply about. Sherlock got skinnier, and weaker. Struggling to write his own signature at times, he hated visits with anyone else rather than John. Seeing Mycroft occasionally made him feel ill, and the sight of his parents filled him with guilt. Months dragged by, though John never went a day without seeing sherlock.

"John-!" Sherlock smiled, though his voice trailed of as he tried to sit up slightly.
"Hello Sherl." John grinned, walking over and planting a kiss on his lovers forehead. A few coughs forcefully exited Sherlocks mouth, making him cringe at how he interrupted john. Sherlock usually just listened to john speak, finding it too draining to respond.  "So much happened in work today, you won't believe it," for the next hour John talked about everything, from Rosie to the latest news. Though while he was mid sentence Sherlock opened his mouth, intending to talk but needing to work himself up to it. "I love you,"
John awed, kissing Sherlocks hand. "Love you too." There was a moment of silence before the older man continued talking, a gentle smile was printed on Sherlocks face while his eyes slowly closed. He often rested his eyes, he found it less intimidating with all the lights. "I miss having you at home, it never feels like home when your not there." The older man nuzzled his partners hand, appreciating the small bit of warmth it did have.
Though the sound of Sherlocks heart monitor  slowing down caught johns attention, "love? Are you okay?" He quickly stood up placing his fingers on Sherlocks neck, barely a Puls. "Sherlock, open your eyes."
"Sherlock, please."
"Help!" John screamed, knowing if he were to try out pressure on his lovers chest he'd cause him agonising pain.

A long siren like noise filled the room, time of death, 19:37.

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