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I've never liked school. It's always been something I dread. On the bus ride, I look out my window, feeling the stares of the other people around me.

I do have friends, and they don't think I'm some alien from another planet. At least, I don't think they do. If they did, they'd sure act like it. Everybody else does. 

When I first started school here, I didn't know many people. I quickly made friends who treated me like shit, which has always been me, I guess. I've always made friends that I start trusting too quickly and eventually they just end up treating me like someone to boss around.

I used to be really extroverted. Used to. It was fun, I'd always walk up to random people I found interesting, and ask if they wanted to hang out. They'd always say no, and I think that's what killed my confidence a little.

I don't get bullied. I can't get bullied. People can try as hard as they can to bully me, make me feel like the odd one out, make me feel less than dirt. It doesn't work. I just absorb it.

See, I recently started bringing body spray to school, I get really sweaty at PE. Because of my looks, people started calling me emo, as a joke, trying to make me feel shit. They probably thought I'd break down and cry, never to be seen again. Or just admit the fact that I'm being bullied but never be brave enough to do anything about it.

But instead of any of that, I just took it in.

What do I mean? I admitted the fact that I was emo. I didn't give them what they wanted, I gave them what I wanted. I walked around, calling myself emo. When people called me out in front of everyone as the emo kid, I'd say, "yeah, I'm the emo kid," with a smile. And they wouldn't believe it.

Then they stopped calling me emo.

But the hits just keep on coming, don't they? I'm the weird kid now. Nobody really likes me. Yeah, I got friends. Yeah, I'm likeable. But I don't want to have the same reputation. Everyone knows everything about me, now. I wish I could undo it.

And I wish I could start again.

So that's me, the weird kid. Touch me if you dare.

I've also got the gay touch.

♥ The Weird Kid - By JamWhere stories live. Discover now