Chapter Six

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'I'm going to ask her out. On a date.'
The blonde blurted it out, not looking at the others, as Abby, Patty and Erin stopped talking, looking at her. Holtzmann breathed out loudly, clearing her throat.
'When she gets here. A date. When she arrives.'

The excitement tickled at Holtzmann edges, and she inhaled hard and loud, her stomach a mixture of nausea and nerves.

Abby softly punched her colleague in the shoulder, 'Yay Holtzy!'

Maddison was arriving separately as she had told the women she had work that needed to be finished off, although secretly it was due to her landlord terminating her rental agreement and Maddison wanted to finish packing. The termination wasn't due to anything she had done but the owners had sold the residence and the new owners weren't keeping her on as a tenant. The news had been abrupt and occurred when she had just accepted employment with the Ghostbusters and the woman wasn't too sure where she was going to go and she knew at least she could spend some time with friends and a couple of nights here and there at the Firehouse.

The four Ghostbusters were standing around a small table, all dressed in their finest, ready to enjoy the Gala, and embrace a night away from their usual; Kevin at the Firehouse, under strict instruction to just answer the phone and if it was a Bust to call Abby. Holtzmann was still looking away from the women, as though she'd lose her confidence if she met their eyes. Holtzmann nodded to herself as though settling her nerves, and she felt overwhelmed, her nerves building, bubbling.

Patty tousled the blonde's loose hair, 'Get it girl.'

Holtzmann smiled tightly, happy at her friend's comment but also feeling the anxiety still chewing at her, this was the one time she wasn't confident, wasn't sure and didn't know what the answer would be to her question, maybe Maddison didn't want a relationship with her. Holtzmann bit her lip and tossed her head, her loose curls flicking away from her face and she exhaled again, looking down to the beer she forgot she was holding and she rolled the glass slowly between her palms, picking it up and downing most of it.

'You okay baby? 'Patty asked, not used to seeing the blonde express any sort of stress.

Holtzmann looked down to the near empty glass and nodded, 'I'm going to to get some air.'

The woman, in her fitted black pant suit, her white silk blouse, skinny black tie and loose hair was a sight to be seen, the three other women complimented her on her look, the blonde blushing, mumbling something about wanting to make an effort. Holtzmann walked out of the ballroom, taking the short corridor to the front, its red-carpet covered steps buzzing with people, some arriving some mingling and the blonde stepped to the side, it was sheltered by part of the stone entrance roof and she breathed in deeply, keen for her new colleague to arrive but also nervous to see her. All the signs were there Holtzmann kept telling herself, the small touches and gentle conversation, Maddison freely returning her soft affections, smiles and lingering eyes. Holtzmann breathed in hard, exhaling loudly again, turning herself away from the patrons and looking out toward the city.


Holtzmann froze, it was the voice she knew, belonging to the woman she was waiting for but she wasn't ready. She didn't feel composed and she turned around slowly, Maddison was standing a few feet from her and the blonde took in a sharp breath and her lips parted.

Holtzmann's eyes widened a little, her mouth relaxed into a smile, watching as the woman approaching her smiled, but it wasn't a smile that Holtzmann recognised, this was one of pure emotion, it was a smile that showed so much and it was a smile directed at her.

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