Chapter Nine

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'Is?' Holtzmann whispered through tears as Erin pulled her back from the ambulance, she could barely stand and her colleague held her firm. Abby jumped into the back of the Ambulance, calling to the others to meet her at the hospital.
Erin nodded though her own tears as the van pulled away, sirens blaring and Patty grabbed Erin by the shoulders, motioning for them all to get into the car, the tall woman slamming the firehouse door shut behind them. They sped towards the hospital, Holtzmann cradled in the back by Erin, the physicist never having seen Holtzmann so fragile before and she felt the blonde cling to her.

'Is?' Holtzmann whimpered again as Erin gently shushed her, and she lay comforting kisses into the blonde's hair, not knowing how to answer what she knew Holtzmann was trying to ask.

The drive was quick and swift and they were all in the waiting room before long, Abby meeting them, Holtzmann pacing the room, her eyes red and swollen and she had no more tears to cry.

'They're operating on her,' Abby said to the others, her eyes searching to meet Holtzmann's, the blonde nodding and then walking away and to the otherwise of the waiting room, pacing.

'Hey, Holtz,' Patty said, walking over to the woman and stopping her still, 'they'll come see us soon okay baby.'

'Maybe she's....maybe she's....already..'


'She's didn't look good. She..' Holtzmann said, panicking, her breath short and hard, and she bent at her waist, trying to control her breathing.

Patty pulled the woman into her arms, the blonde resting her face into Patty's chest, letting the taller woman hold her tight. Patty let her own tears fall and she looked over to Erin and Abby, both women looking as distressed as she felt.

'She didn't look great,' Abby mumbled quietly to Erin, both women nodding their tear streaked faces, and Erin sat down on a chair, Abby next to her, and she put her face in her hands, they were still blood stained and she sobbed.

Erin leaned into Abby, rubbing her neck as she let her own tears fall, hearing the gentle sobs coming from the other side of the waiting room and watching as Patty held Holtzmann tightly.

A couple of hours later a doctor came into the room, Holtzmann rushing up to him as he said Maddison's name, and she hugged herself with her arms, feeling Patty close behind her.

The four women stood in silence, as the doctor spoke, 'Your friend was hurt badly, we've operated and she is in recovery, she has had to have numerous transfusions. She lost a lot of blood...a lot."

The doctor sighed softly, watching as Holtzmann nodded hard, her eyes filling with tears again, 'She's going to be okay Miss.'

Holtzmann nodded, tears streaming down her face, and Abby spoke, 'Can we see her? Can Holtzmann at least?'

'Not yet, but yes I'll send someone to bring you to see her soon okay,' the doctor said directly to the blonde, Holtzmann again nodding, tears still spilling. The doctor walked back through the doors and Patty turned Holtzmann around, scooping her in her arms and whispering to her, holding her tight as the blonde breathed, finally, in relief.

The four sat in the waiting room, all now relieved and calmer, sure they were going to lose Maddison, and now thankful they still had their fifth.

A short nurse led Holtzmann through the double doors, the others remaining in the waiting room as Holtzmann eagerly rushed her steps, the nurse leading her to a cubicle, the curtains drawn around the bed.

The nurse reached up to pull the curtain, pausing and looking at the blonde, 'Her swelling will go down okay. And talk to her, she is still asleep and she will be weak, but will still be able to hear you.'

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