Chapter Eleven

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Maddison was sitting up in bed, propped up with pillows, Holtzmann sitting on the side of the bed, the brunette's hair still damp after her shower and piled up on her head like Holtzmann's; thanks to the blonde offering to do her hair. Her laptop was on her thighs and she was typing away, 'I want to be there Jillian.'

Maddison didn't take her eyes away from the screen and the blonde nodded at her, 'You're still recovering Maddykins.'

Maddison smiled to herself, looking up at Holtzmann and then back at the screen, her lips tight and thin, 'You might need me,' she breathed, 'and you've shown me how to use a pack,' the IT guru looked up, meeting Holtzman's blue eyes with her own, 'I just can't be here and not be there for you if you need me,' she tilted her body slightly, her side still sore.

Holtzmann pursed her lips, scrunching her face, 'I know,' she whispered, the image of Maddison slumped against the wall flashing before her again. The two sat in silence, the gentle tap of Maddison's fingers on the keyboard almost a comfort to them both, a sense of normality compared to their last week.

'Holtzmann and Maddy seemed to be preoccupied with new inventions and those drones, did she remember to service the packs?' Erin asked the other two women as she and Kevin pushed his desk out of the way and against a wall.

'Speak of the devil,' said Abby as she turned, hearing the front door open, Holtzmann was standing there, she smiled, turning back to the door as she held her arms out, and Maddison limped through, putting her weight on Holtzmann as she helped her through the door.

'Maddy?' Erin called out, as the three women walked over to her in surprise.

'She wanted to be here,' Holtzmann replied with a smile, as they moved slowly into the Firehouse, Abby rolling her office chair to the injured woman as she graciously sat down.

'I'm okay, I'm okay,' Maddison repeated as the women fussed over her, 'honestly, please let's just get this all set up. '

Holtzmann walked away from Maddison, jogging towards the packs that were lined up, and Maddison peered ahead, looking past the others and at the blonde fiddling with the packs.

'Are the packs all okay?' Erin called out, touching Maddison's shoulder, looking to Holtzmann.

'Roger that,' Holtzmann answered with a click of her tongue and a wink, 'they're all good to go.'

All four women strapped on their packs, Maddison standing back from them, her pack still on the table, her body unable to carry its weight and she stood behind the women, her laptop in her hands, and she swallowed hard, pressing a few keys, 'I'm ready when you are,' she said, leaning her weight against a pillar that supported the top floor. Holtzmann turned around to her, their eyes meeting and she stepped towards Maddison, pulling her face into hers, kissing her long and hard. Maddison pulled away as Holtzmann turned on her pack, the others doing the same and the blonde locked eyes with Maddison before stepping away, the four Ghostbuster's creating a semi circle around a trap Ein had placed in the centre.

'Ready when you are Mads,' said Patty.

'Recalibrating the containment unit sensors,' Maddison said loudly, the basement door had been propped open and they all heard the whirring of the sensors and the gentle click of the unit as it turned off and then back on. They were all silent and Maddison took a deep breath, looking up and around her, not seeing anything, and Holtzmann turned slightly to her, giving her a reassuring look. Erin swallowed hard, looking over at Maddison, then to Abby, Patty and Holtzmann, all of their faces painted in fear and they all looked up to the roof as rumbling echoed, and the power switched off.

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