Chapter Five

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'So what happens at these type of events?' Maddison asked Abby as she sipped her water, Abby sitting next to her at the kitchen table, both taking a short break from work.

'A lot of mingling, meeting new people,' Abby replied, picking up her sandwich, 'but the drinks are free, we get to dress up all fancy and it's a fun night.' The woman took a bite of her sandwich, as Maddison nodded into her glass.

'I'm a little nervous about it, I must admit,' Maddison said, cupping the glass in her hands, 'Will there be important people there?'

Abby laughed, 'We are the important people Maddy, so be prepared for that.'


'Lots of people will come up to you, they'll want to chat and take photos, that sort of thing.'

'Wow serious? I haven't even been on a Bust yet, they wont even know who I am.'

'Yep, serious. And yeah, people will know who you are, the would have seen you on our website, so just grin and bare it, but it is a fun event.'

Maddison nodded, standing up and walking over to her desk, taking her glass with her, tapping it with her fingers, 'Should I stay here maybe Abby? Do the nightshift?'

Abby laughed again, 'I think Holtz would kill me if I agreed to that, no honey Kevin will work that night.'

Maddison creased her brow, 'Holtz?' and then she creased her brow harder, with a concerned smile 'Kevin?'

Abby chuckled, taking the last bite of her sandwich and brushing her fingers over her plate, she stood up, walking towards Maddison's desk.

'Kevin will be fine, he just needs to answer the phone and then call us if need be.' Abby turned, walking towards the stairs with a little wave as she headed up the stairs to see Erin. Maddison turned back to her computer, remembering Abby's comment about Holtzmann, so she called out to Abby quickly, but the woman had already disappeared and Maddison returned to her screens with a sigh.


The Gala was being held in honour of the city's local heroes, which included the Ghostbusters and it was scheduled for the next weekend, beginning in the afternoon and running late into the evening. Maddison was nervous for the event, unsure of what to expect and also what to wear and how to do her hair and make up. 

She asked Erin for advice, secretly not wanting to share much with Holtzmann, hoping to surprise her with a different look at the party. Erin graciously accepted Maddison's invite to go dress shopping with her and as the brunette exited the change room in a long red dress, Erin smiled hard.

'Holtz is going to love you in this,' she stated, suddenly biting her tongue, as Maddison looked at her in concern.

'Um, she is?'

Erin, shook her head a little, then nodded, 'Yeah Maddy, she is.'

Maddison blushed, 'Gosh Erin I am so nervous.'

Erin chuckled, 'Why?'

Maddison inhaled, looking at herself in the mirror, 'I don't know, I'm just nervous.'

'Are you nervous about the Gala or about Holtzmann.'

Maddison looked to the ground, touching the gown and watching as the material floated over her shoes, 'Am I that obvious?'

Erin, reached out to touch Maddison arm softly, standing next to her in the mirror, 'You're both that obvious.'

Maddison looked up at Erin, the woman was smiling at her, it was warm, genuine and Maddison bit her lip, 'I like her Erin, a lot.'

Erin nodded,' I know.'

'I want, I,' Maddison hesitated, looking to Erin, 'I want to, you know, I want to be with her.'

Erin chuckled at the flustered woman, 'Date her.'

'Mmhmm,' Maddison paused, licking her lips, her throat was dry, 'but we work together and I don't know if she even wants that. Ugh, I dunno.'

Erin laughed softly, 'There's no rule about not dating your colleague you know, plus if there was I'm pretty sure Holtz would break it.'

Maddison blushed, a smile on her face.


'Patty Cakes, I need to look good.'

'You look good in everything Holtzy.'

'No, I need to look better,' the blonde said, they were in a suit store, a pile of outfits were cradled in her arms.

'Holtz, since when are you worried about how you look.'

'Just this stupid Gala, I want to look good.'

Patty roared with laughter.

'Patty, I do okay,' Holtzmann replied, flustered, as she shuffled hangers on a rack.

'No baby cakes,' replied Patty, leaning into the rack, her hands grabbing Holtzmann's, the blonde turning to her, 'You want to look good for Maddy.'

 Holtzmann's eyes widened and she pulled her hands from Patty's returning them to the rack, roughly sliding suit jackets along the rail.

'She likes you too you know.'

Holtzmann pulled her hands away and readjusted the pile resting over her forearm, looking at Patty, she licked her lips, 'I really like her.'

'I know Holtzy, you two don't exactly hide your feelings, we see it all day, every day.'


' two kissed yet?'

'God no Patty.'

'Why not?'

'Why not? What do you mean? I don't..I don't..'

'I think this one's different Holtz.'

'We've held hands, that's it really.'

'That's it?!'


'Are you two twelve?'

'Patty, I know what I want but I don't know what she wants.'

'Maddison wants you.'


'You should ask her out.'

'What if she says no.'

Why would she say no? It's clear you two are into each other.'

'I don't want to ruin whatever it is we have right now, it''s good.'

'Ask her baby.'


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