Chapter Two

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'What do you think of the new girl?' Erin looked up briefly at Holtzmann, the engineer was tinkering around with a new trap design, one that could incorporate a drone, so they could use it if need be from above. The blonde nodded, not looking at Erin, and she continued playing around with her tools. Erin waited for a response, smiling to herself when she didn't get one, and she inhaled softly.

'She seems pretty cool,' Holtzmann replied eventually, 'I think she's pretty smart, a clever one.'

'You think she's cute don't you?'

Holtzmann out down her tools, looking over at the physicist, 'You do realise that's not how I work right?'

Erin laughed, 'You hit on me how many times Holtz?'

Holtzmann nodded, 'That's because I think you're cute.'

Erin laughed, 'Exactly.'

Holtzmann shook her head, looking over to Erin, 'Well I tried hitting on you, but you also tried to convince yourself you were dating Kev.'

Erin blushed, laughing at the blonde's comment, 'Well I think you'll have more success with Maddy, Holtz.'

Erin chuckled at Holtzmann, the engineer looked down at her tools, and then back up to Erin, and she licked her lips, biting down on her bottom lip, as though trying to control herself, 'I do think she's cute, but that's it, she just seems pretty fun.'

Erin nodded, raising her eyebrows, knowing better than to believe a comment like that from Holtzmann.

'Hey guys?' It was Abby, calling them from downstairs, 'can we all come to the kitchen please.'
Erin gave Holtzmann another smile as they both walked towards the door, curious as to what Abby's request related to.

As they entered to kitchen area Maddison was already at the table with Patty and Abby, and Erin and Holtzmann sat down, Maddison smiling at the two.

'What's up Abs?' Holtzmann asked, resting her chin in her hands.

Patty cleared her throat as Abby looked at her, 'Abby and I have been doing a bit of research after that last Bust, and we're a little worried.'

'Worried how? ' Erin asked, sitting a little more forward on her stool.

Patty exhaled, pushing a thick dusty book towards Erin and Holtzmann, 'Just something I noticed in one of the books from the council, I don't think that spectre is finished.'

Erin ran her eyes along the text, Holtzmann leaning in too, and then looking up to Abby and Patty, Maddison was next to them, her face a mixture of excitement and anxiety.

'You think this one will come back? ' Holtzmann asked after reading a passage from the book.

'But it's in the containment unit.' Erin stated.

Abby nodded,' I think it's something we need to keep an eye on.'

'Nothing can escape it Abs,' Holtzmann said, standing up, leaning further over the book.

'Can we reinforce it?' Maddison asked softly.

The others all looked at her.

'Maybe with some sort of sensor?' Maddison continued.

Holtzmann nodded vigorously, her blue eyes sparkling, 'Yes, go on..'

Maddison stuttered out her words, staring straight at Holtz, 'Some sort of extra monitor for the unit maybe? I can programme it if you can come up with something?'

Holtzmann nodded, thinking to herself, 'Mmmmhmm, yeah, yeah I can do that.'

Erin turned to Abby and Patty, her mind buzzing with questions,  'What does it want? Surely it can't escape.'

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