Chapter 9

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I walked up to the door of the address Chris had sent me and I knocked. I smiled when I heard a dog barking and I knew it was Dodger, I was excited to see him again. The day he spent with me and Jaeden on set was awesome and he was such a good dog.

"Dodger, back." Chris said from inside the door and opened the door and smiled upon seeing me.

"Hey, come in. Don't mind the attack dog." Chris said and I laughed. Once I walked in Chris hugged me and I smiled in our embrace. Dodger then nudge between us and I laughed.
"Wow dude!" Chris said, I crouched down and petted Dodgers head then kissed the top of his head.

"The dog gets a kiss and I only get a hug?" Chris asked as I kicked off my shoes and laughed. Chris took my coat and hung it up.

"The night is young for you Evans." I said and he groaned with a smile. He took my hand and lead me into his living room where the TV was and I saw Alice in Wonderland up and ready to play and I smiled shaking my head.

"Seriously?" I asked and he laughed.

"Why not?" Chris asked with a smile. We walked into his kitchen and I saw his table was set and the food was ready.

"I hope chicken parmesan is okay?" Chris asked and I smiled.

"Perfect." I said and Chris then poured me a glass of wine once I sat down. He took his set and lifted his glass.

"To finally getting you on a date." Chris said and I laughed and clinked our glasses. We started eating.

"This is amazing Chris, I didn't know you were such a good cook." I said and Chris sighed.

"All honesty?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"My mom made it and brought it over. I just reheated it." Chris said and I laughed.

"Hey, that's okay. I can't cook much either. The night my parents were at my house I literally picked up a rotisserie chicken on the way home. I know enough to survive." I said and chuckled.

"Well nice to know if this works out we may starve." Chris said and we laughed.

"So we should really take this time to get to know each other before we watch the movie." I said and Chris nodded.

"Well not to sound too much like an actor my life is an open book. You are the one who is a mystery." Chris said.

"I'm stranger. You're stranger. Together, we are... strangers." I said and Chris looked at me oddly.

"Alice in Wonderland quote." I said and he shook his head.

"Okay so one thing I know, you have a huge obsession with Alice in Wonderland." Chris said, I laughed and shook my head.

"I actually don't. It's a parents had me when they really weren't ready. My dad had just decided to leave the law firm he was working with and open his own practice and my mom was opening a bakery, a baby didn't fit into the money plan for sure. Not that I am implying my parents didn't love me because there was so much love from them in my childhood and now especially into my adulthood. But, growing up all I had was books, books were my world. Like I said my mom loved Alice in Wonderland and read it to me until I started reading and then I read it to her. It was always the best book." I said and Chris smiled at me.

"And you're parents are still together?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"They are. Happy and mom is still running her bakery and dad in his private practice." I said and Chris smiled.

"What bakery?" Chris asked.

"If I tell you are you going to now constantly go in there?" I asked and he laughed and shrugged.

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