Chapter 22

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It was a month later and we were arriving at the hotel room in Canada and the minute Chris opened the door I ran past him to the bathroom and threw up. Megan had walked in with us and followed me in the bathroom.

"You sure you don't want me to get a doctor?" She asked and I shook my head as I finished.

"No, my doctor warned me this could happen. I'll be okay." I said and Megan sighed giving me a washcloth and then headed out of the bathroom. I looked at Chris who was just standing in the open doorway to the bathroom.

"You okay?" Chris asked.

"Wow, your concern is amazing." I said and Chris groaned.

"I'm trying here." Chris said and I sighed.

"I know you are, trust me I know." I said annoyed. Chris just walked away and Megan sighed in the room as I rinsed my mouth out.

"Are you two going to be able to look like the loving couple I know you are on the carpet or should we try and work something else out?" Megan asked as I entered the room. I looked at Chris and he sighed.

"We can be the loving couple we are." Chris said and I nodded in agreement.

"Then I would suggest you two sit and talk this out. Chris, I know it's a shock but come on, you are having a baby." Megan said and Chris half smiled but looked the floor.

"I feel like I was deceived." Chris said and I sighed.

"I told you, it was an accident. Things had been crazy with me trying to get you birthday planned as well as getting my place on the market, it slipped my mind. Do you think I'm not in shock too? Of course I am Chris but I am also happy, but it's hard to be happy when I know you are unhappy." I said and Chris sighed as tears filled my eyes. He didn't look up at me. I took my room key from where it was placed on the dresser and my purse.

"Where are you going?" Megan asked.

"I need some air." I said and left the room.

*****CHRIS & MEGAN POV*****

"Go after her!" Megan said and shoved Chris but he didn't move.

"She isn't wrong. I'm very unhappy." Chris said.

"Okay and why are you?" Megan asked and Chris sat on the foot of the bed.

"I don't know, this is all I have ever wanted and once I met Allie, it was all I could see with her. I just was blindsided and I feel like I just keep getting blindsided." Chris said and Megan groaned.

"Chris, I understand how you feel. This was a shock for everyone but what you need to understand is it's even more for Alice to deal with. You think she has this easy? She had to find out on her own knowing she screwed up. You think she wasn't scared to tell you? She was terrified, I could tell last month when she laid down the ultrasound, she was shaking. Chris, she is trying to make the best of this and you aren't helping her at all." Megan said and Chris put his head in his hands.

"Chris, do you still want to be with her?" Megan asked as silence filled the room.

"I do, I only want her. I want a life with her, I just thought we had more time with just us." Chris said and Megan huffed a laughed.

"Well hate to tell you this but you have only about 6 months together. Make it worth it, don't be the giant douche ass-nozzle I know you can be! Love her, take care of her, spoil her, be there for her! Go be with her!" Megan said and Chris smiled at her and rushed out of the room.

*****NORMAL POV*****

I left the hotel and wasn't sure where I was going to go so I just started walking down the street. I reached a park and I smiled as I started to walk through it. Once I came across a bench I sat down and just looked at my hands in my lap, wondering how things got so screwed up.

"Alice?" I heard a voice ask and I looked up to see Jamie Lee Curtis standing there and I smiled.

"Hey. Nice to see you again." I said and she smiled at me. I stood up and she pulled me into a hug.

"I knew you and Chris would be together." Jamie said and I laughed.

"Yeah, it was kind of obvious now that I think about on it." I said and Jamie smiled.

"You guys were always together and when you weren't around he was always looking for you." Jamie said as we continued to walk in the park. I smiled and shook my head.

"Where is Chris now?" Jamie asked and I shrugged.

"Not exactly sure. We...uh...had a little disagreement and I left the room to get some air." I said and Jamie nodded.

"How far along are you?" Jamie asked and I looked at her in shock.

"What do you mean?" I asked and she gave a small laugh.

"Alice, I have had 2 children. I know what a women looks like when she is pregnant." Jamie said and I smiled with a slight groan.

"We just hit the 3-month mark." I said and she smiled.

"Aww a baby." Jamie said and I just gave a small smile.

"Yeah a baby." I said and Jamie looked at me concerned.

"I take it this isn't a good news?" Jamie asked and I shook my head.

"No, not at all." I said and Jamie sighed.

"How is Chris taking the news?" Jamie asked and I sighed.

"Not very well." I said and Jamie groaned.

"I don't think he was ready. We never discussed our future or had time to plan anything." I said.

"No baby can never be planned. I wish people would stop thinking that. Things happen but every baby is blessing honestly." Jamie said and I smiled at her.

"Allie!" I heard my name yelled and turned to see Chris running to catch up to Jamie and I. She smiled as he approached and he smiled at her.
"Hey Jamie." Chris said and he hugged her and once they broke apart she smacked his arm.

"What was that for?!" Chris asked shocked.

"She knows..." I said and Chris caught on fairly quickly.

"You told her?" Chris asked and I shook my head.

"I'm a mom, I can tell." Jamie said and we laughed.

"Chris, can I give you some advice?" Jamie asked and he nodded.

"Of course." Chris said.

"Nothing ever follows a plan. You two were meant to get pregnant right now and this baby is a gift." Jamie said and grabbed both of our hands. Chris looked at me and I smiled at him.

"I'm starting to see that. I have been an ass." Chris said and I nodded.

"You have." I said and he smiled. He placed a hand on my cheek.

"Forgive me?" Chris asked and I leaned into his hand.

"Don't I always..." I trailed off and he leaned in and kissed me.

"Good! Now, you two go back to the hotel and relax. You need to get some rest sweetie." Jamie said and I hugged her again.

"Thank you for everything." I said and Jamie smiled.

"No problem. I will see you kids later." Jamie said. Chris and I walked away hand in hand. Once we got back to the hotel he pulled me into a passionate kiss and I smiled at him as I wrapped my arm around his neck.

"We are having a baby." Chris said excited and I smiled at him.

"We are." I said and he passionately kissed me again. 

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