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It is my 16th birthday today!
My father has guests over for my birthday and mother got me this journal! It's so sweet of her and I'm so happy! Maybe she finally loves me!

My father's family friend is from Britain! He offered to teach me how to do Ballet, he's my age too! Francis, I believe his name is. I think it's ironic, his name sounds like France and he is from England!
He has a funny little accent too, its almost cute I suppose. He is very kind to me and I believe that kindness is a great attribute to have! He also loves poems and literature!! Though, his poems are English, it's his first language, but he has learnt French and I'm learning some English! He said he's going to teach me it! I'm so excited! Finally I have a friend!

For the rest of the day, me and Francis went up to my room and spoke about our favourite poems! He even told me that he is this thing called an "Arachne" I remember my father telling me about it when I was just a girl.

When Francis left, my father pulled me to the side saying I was also an Arachne, which to my knowledge is a spider-human. I asked why I looked like a human and he said that there are different "forms"? I tried to turn into it, but "failed". Well, I thought I failed before I looked in the mirror and saw some extra eyes and extra arms. I looked terrifying, but I also thought I was rather pretty.

Turns out, I was named Widow due to my Arachnid part being a Black Widow spider. I had. always wondered why I was named Widow, it was a peculiar name, I must say. Francis thought it was cute though... <3

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