Bar Beat Blues [Chubby Reader]

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The music thumped loudly in the all too crowded bar that your friend had dragged you to for the night. To be honest you were surprised that Piltover even had a bar like this in their all too pristine city of progress. Though it came to no surprise that your party loving friend Elle had found it.

While you didn't really enjoy the idea of going out, getting drunk, and partying, Elle begged you to come along with her. Her blue eyes shined and she puckered her lips to give you her best puppy dog face as she begged. By the way she spoke you assumed that it would be just you and her gong, but she ended up inviting several of her other friends too.

It's not that you didn't like her other friends, they just rolled in a different crowd than you. They all looked perfect, like celebrities. And you? Well you were painfully average. Not only that, you were also on the curvier side. While all of Elles friends were tall and thin, you were short and curvy with a fair amount of fat along your stomach.

You'd always been a bit self conscious of the way you looked, but once you agreed to go with her, Elle assured you that you'd look your best tonight. She helped you pick out an outfit that hugged your curves nicely and accentuated your breasts. When you stared in the mirror you were overcome with self confidence that you didn't even know you possessed. 'Maybe tonight won't be so bad after all..' you thought.

You were dead wrong. Elle had invited the one friend of hers that you could not stand, Heather. Heather had long dark hair that hung down to her mid back. She always wore skimpy clothes to try her best to attract men anytime she went out. She also came from a wealthy family known for their practice in law, so naturally was what you'd call a conniving bitch. Worst of all, she always wanted to target you. Perhaps it was because of your looks, but you had a feeling that it had more to do with your relationship with Elle. Heather didn't seem to like the fact that Elle took such a liking to Geology, and liked it even less when she found a friend in the quiet girl in her class...that being you.

And so while you thought you were having a good time dancing in the bar, you had no idea that the whole night was about to be ruined by one petty bitch.

"Having fun?" Heather asked as she danced her way over to you.

"Yeah, I guess I am." You gave a meek smile as you bounced to the music.

"Oh, ok" she laughed at you in a way that sounded like she was making fun of you. You tried to ignore her and continue dancing, but Heather got closer to you. "It's just that it's hard to tell the difference"

"The difference?" You asked in confusion.

"Yeah. I just couldn't tell if you were having fun or having a seizure with the way your body was flailing." She laughed hysterically and her comment caused you to stop moving entirely. "And with a girl your size you just never really know." She made it a point to poke at the roll of fat on your stomach.

Immediately you pushed your way off of the dance floor and to the bar, a hand clasped over you mouth and your cheeks burning from embarrassment. You'd been picked on before for your weight. It wasn't like it was anything new. Almost all of the girls in Piltover were built so thin. And those that weren't used corsets to try and look thin. You used to do that, alter your look with a corset, but the mental strain it had on your body image became too much. So you've tried so hard to get to love every inch of your body, but people like Heather made it so hard.

You plopped yourself on a barstool and placed your head in your hands. You made a promise to yourself in that moment that you wouldn't cry while in this nasty bar.

"Not having a good time?" A Russian accented voice asked you.

Your head whipped up to meet the most gorgeous pair of golden eyes that you'd ever seen. The man who spoke to you sat in a rather relaxed position, swirling a small glass of alcohol in his hand. Such a handsome man was talking to someone like you. So you turned your head away, suddenly very aware that the outfit you had been so confident in made you feel embarrassed.

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