Not Invisible to Me

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[A/N] This is a small comfort thing I wrote when I was feeling down the other day. I didnt mention any genders here so anybody can read it. Enjoy!

So much chatter for what was supposed to be a quiet library. Most of it came from the table you currently resided at with several of your friends. You weren't paying much attention to their idle gossip. You knew it had something to do with a mutual friend of yours, one that you liked ,but given the current conversation the others did not. Not that it even mattered if you participated or not, none of them would notice or even pay you much of any mind. Although they were your friends and you had many moments of fun with them, you still often felt like an outsider. Alone yet surrounded by people. Invisible amongst the close connections they had that you seemed to miss out on when your little group was formed. One of your friends must have said something funny because suddenly everyone was laughing. You didn't catch what was said but laughed so you didn't feel quite as left out. The smile on your face couldn't be any faker if you tried. It slowly faded as they continued to talk. Nothing felt quite as bad as being lonely amongst a group.
Clink! Clink!
A familiar clinking sound of a cane tapping against the ground drew your attention. You turned your head to see your friend Viktor heading towards a seat at a nearby table, a large book tucked under his arm. You couldn't help but feel like Viktor would be better company than the present one.
You had met Viktor at a soirée that was held by Piltovers council. You had been there because you had been personally invited by Professor Heimerdinger for being top of your class. "It's a chance for the most promising minds in Piltover to mingle and network" he had said. Viktor was there due to being Heimerdingers assistant. The two of you ended up bonding over your shared disinterest in parties and you became quick friends.
You must have been staring at him for awhile because your name was suddenly called out by one of your friends. Quickly the entire group turned to making fun of you. They were small and harmless jokes about you liking him. Them telling you to stop being a "little bitch" and to go talk to him. The couple of your friends that knew of Viktor due to being in your major even made small comments about your taste in men based on him. This sort of thing wasn't uncommon in your friend group. You'd always give each other a hard time just for laughs. That didn't mean you always enjoyed it though.
You joked about him just being a friend and that you didn't have a crush on him. That was a lie, but one you felt that you had to tell to get the pressure off of you. The table was filled with a chorus of "boo!"s and "you're no fun"s before your friends all returned to their idle gossip.
You sat and listened to them again, but the lonely feeling in your heart continued to grow ever larger with each passing minute. You couldn't stand it anymore!
You glanced to the side to confirm that Viktor was still in the library. When your confirmation was correct you quietly grabbed your books and delicately slipped out of your chair.
"Oh you're leaving?" Asked one of your friends.
'Shit. Of course they'd pay attention to me now' you thought. "Yeah. I have some studying to do."
"Ok, bye!" "Good luck!" "Have fun!" Your friends voices blended together in a mesh of goodbyes. You slowly walked towards the library exit, but made a U-turn once you were sure your friends weren't looking. You snuck over to the table Viktor was sitting at.
"Hello Viktor." You greeted in a hushed tone.
He glanced up at you with his sparkling golden eyes. "Oh, hello Y/N. How are you?"
"I'm fine. May I sit with you?" You gestured to the chair across from him.
"Of course." He nodded at you. You pulled out the chair and took a seat. Viktor closed his book and placed it to the side of the table. "Although I don't understand what made you leave your boisterous friends to come and sit with me."
"They're... a special kind of group. It's hard to stay with them for too long without getting overwhelmed. Don't get me wrong though, they're still good friends." You tried your best to be a vague as possible.
"Hmmm. "Special" is an interesting way to describe that situation."
You leaned a bit closer. His comment had you confused. "What do you mean?"
"Ehh just that I saw you when I came in. You didn't look terribly interested or involved in whatever was happening at that table."
"It was just gossiping. I'm not a huge fan of it but sometimes it's entertaining to hear about." You glanced towards the table they were still talking at. A twinge of pain caught in your heart to know that they didn't even notice you had come over here instead of leaving. Sure you tried hard to make it that way, but you sort of hoped they did notice you. To prove that you weren't invisible to them as soon as you left. Viktor caught the small change in your expression.
"Is everything alright?" He asked.
You drew your attention back towards him and gave a soft smile. "Oh yeah, I'm fine."
Viktor tapped his long fingers slowly and rhythmically on the table. He let out a small hum in thought. You soon found yourself tapping your fingers on the edge of the table as well, but you were more sporadic. All 10 fingers quickly tapping while Viktor stared you down. It was positively nerve racking the way he could clearly see that something was wrong. Your smile faded and you averted your eyes. That was when Viktor spoke again. "Why don't we take a walk?"
Your fingers stopped moving and your gaze shot back towards him. "A walk?"
"Yes. The academy looks lovely this time of year. And perhaps it will get your mind off of whatever is bothering you that you clearly don't wish to share with me."
You sighed and smiled at Viktor. "A walk sounds nice." You and Viktor both stood up and walked side by side towards the exit to the library. You spared one final glance back at your friends. They were still deep into their conversation and didn't spare a passing glance towards any other sounds in the library.

The sun was shining brightly on this autumn afternoon. Viktor was right that the academy looked beautiful amongst the changing leaves. The brilliant oranges and reds complimented Piltovers own gold accents nicely. You both walked along the path towards the large fountain that graced the center of the academy. It was unusual for the fountain to be so empty at this time of day, but midterms were coming up so you supposed everyone must be busy studying.
"I don't mean to pry, but is everything alright between you and your friends?" Viktor asked.
"Yeah. Everything's the same as usual." You looked ahead as you spoke. Your voice void of much emotion.
Viktor furrowed his brows. "Does your "usual" always leave you looking so upset?"
"Not always." You wished you had chosen your words more carefully because Viktor stopped walking and stared you down intensely.
"So they do upset you. Y/N, your friends should be a support system to rely on. If they constantly make you feel bad then maybe they aren't your real friends."
"You don't know them like I do Viktor. It's just our dynamic. We all mess with each other and make jokes, that's how our friendship works." Your words came off harsher than expected.
Viktor didn't back down though. "If these jokes are at the expense of your emotions then I don't believe they are worth sticking around for."
You started walking again, faster than before, yearning to sit down on the edge of the fountain if this was a conversation you were going to have. "It's only when we're all together that I sometimes end up feeling bad. When we're one on one they are some of the best and funniest people I have ever met. I'd be lying if I said I didn't join in on the harsh jokes either. For all I know, I may have gone too far a couple of times and just didn't realize it."
Viktor struggled to keep up with your increased pace. "Y/N, I'm not trying to get you to leave your friends. You understand that right?"
You finally reached the fountain and sat down with a large sigh. "I understand Viktor. I'm sorry if my words came out a bit harshly. I just don't want you to worry about me. Really, it's not a big deal."
Viktor sat beside you, a bit closer than anticipated. "It's alright. Unfortunately I can't help but worry, I don't like seeing you upset."
You blushed at his words. You couldn't help but wonder if they held a deeper meaning? You decided to change the subject instead of dwelling on that thought. "You did have a point though, that sometimes the jokes are a bit too much. That's not really why I was upset though." You stared at the water in the fountain, running a fingertip along the surface and watching the ripples form beneath it. You wanted to tell Viktor, but you also wanted him to ask you about it. You were desperate to know that he was truly interested in what you had to say.
"Then what did upset you?" You looked back to him. His golden eyes pierced your heart, they looked so gently at you.
Your lips quivered before you spoke. "They made me feel invisible. And I know it wasn't completely on purpose. I'm just the quiet one that tends to be forgotten about in conversations, or ignored when I try to speak because there's always someone just a bit louder than I am."
Viktor hesitantly placed his hand over your own. "It shouldn't be that way. Just because you're quiet doesn't mean you don't have anything to say. And it certainly doesn't mean you should be ignored."
You start to tear up at his words. "It's just so hard to tell them how I feel. I hate being so vulnerable." When you noticed the tears running down your face you quickly wiped them off. "Gosh, I'm sorry. I didn't expect to start crying."
"There's no need to apologize. It must be hard to admit such things. But Y/N, know that you will never be invisible to me."
In a flurry of emotions you quickly wrapped your arms around Viktors torso and hugged him tightly. The action caught him off guard but he slowly lowered his arms around you. You continued to cry into his chest as he slowly stroked your back in a calming motion.
"Thank you for listening to me." You had your head nestled into Viktors shirt and it caused your words to come out muffled.
"You're welcome. I will always be here if you need me." Viktor pulled you closer to him. For a moment you swore that you heard his heart beat faster. You put the thought of him also having feelings for you in the back of your mind, something to address another day. For now you wanted to savor this moment with him, however long it may last.

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