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[A/N] So for those who don't know, I am kind of into the Love Live fandom and like school idols. The songs are so catchy and I love the dancing! So heres my obligatory idol AU. The song in this fic is the one above. All lyrics belong to 9 Mermaids. The reader sings for Ruby (the one with the red hair and pigtails)


The leaves rustled lightly through the late summer breeze of Piltover Academy. School had returned to session not more than a week ago, but all of the students were already studying hard. The common areas of the academy campus were overrun with students of all majors exchanging information and working on projects. Not long ago Viktor was one of those students.

He and his partner Jayce recently founded their own company, Hextech, and were currently working on a new device that could use magic to transport objects. After a particularly bad failed attempt Jayce had called for a break. Viktor preferred to keep working on the issues with their project, but Jayce insisted.

The two went out for coffee at a nearby shop and after spending about 10 minutes sitting in the shop they decided to go back to work. Why? Well, Viktor wouldn't stop talking about what went wrong and how they could fix it.

"I'm not going to get that brain of yours to take a break am I?" Jayce had said.

"No I don't think you will." Viktor had rebutted.

And so they were now on their way back to the lab. However, Jayce had convinced Viktor to at least take the scenic route.

A gentle melody could be heard as the two men strolled down the empty path. It was strange that anybody would even be back towards this part of campus, usually it was deserted. As the two men rounded the corner they caught sight of a young woman in the grass beside the path.

It looked as though she was practicing some sort of performance. Her H/C hair was tied up and flowing in the breeze with every movement she made. The music on her small record player slowed, as did her dancing. After a few measures of music she started to sing "But when I recall how we said our goodbyes..." she waited again for several measures.

Jayce and Viktor quietly walked closer, but not enough to disturb her. Her voice was sweet and smooth as she sang. "Though it hurts me!" Her hand raised to the sky and she looked at it. With each passing beat it moved before she finally brought it back down in front of her. "Far away, you're far away, and I miss you everyday! So I'll drink your favorite tea, and hope you're missing me."

Jayce was enjoying the performance, but surprisingly it had Viktor entranced. He didn't usually listen to music like that, it had such a catchy and youthful sound. And this girl, it was as though she embodied everything about that song. Her youthful and admittedly cute face caught his eye. Her sweetness filled his heart with a feeling he couldn't explain. It almost felt unnatural to him. He who always put his work first, who's mind was always thinking, the gears in his brain always turning. But now those gears had stopped completely with her enchanting melody.

The music slowed and she ended her song with the final words "Thank you very much!" And in the silence Viktor was left staring.

"Damn I messed up that breakdown again!" She mumbled to herself and ran her hands down her face in frustration. "Ok! Maybe if I run it again I'll get it this time."

Before she even had the chance to restart her backtrack she was caught off guard by the sound of clapping. Her head whipped to the left to see two men standing on the path clapping for her performance.

"That was amazing! Are you doing some sort of show?" Jayce asked.

His question was met with the mysterious girl letting out an adorable squeak as her face contorted with terror. She quickly scooped up her bag that had been discarded nearby and ran as fast as she could.

Viktor X Reader Oneshots and ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now