Comfort [JayVik x GN Reader]

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When you entered the lab Jayce and Viktor both turned to face you. Upon seeing you they immediately made their way to your side.
"Is everything alright?" Viktor asked.
"What's wrong? Jayce also asked, both his and Viktors voices blended together.
"Everything fine!" You gave a very unconvincing fake smile.
"My love, your nose is all red and you sound congested." Viktor cocked his head to the side and his brows knitted together with concern. "I'm having a hard time believing everything is fine."
Jayce placed his hand to the side of your face and softly rubbed a thumb on your upper cheek. "And your eyes are still red and puffy. You've been crying haven't you?" Your breath hitched and Jayce frowned. He continued to stroke your cheek back and forth in a soothing motion. "You don't have to say what's bothering you, but we are both here for you. You know that."
With his words you couldn't hold it in anymore. The tears started to flow from your eyes. Jayce pulled you into a warm hug and you sobbed into his chest. You felt Viktor hug you from behind, his long arms finding their way around your waist. He rested his head on your shoulder to speak softly to you. "It'll be alright. Whatever it is that's bothering you will pass. Until then, lean on Jayce and I. We are your rocks and we will never leave you."
His kind words had you sobbing even harder. You were glad that you had these two men in your life to love and support you no matter what. You let yourself have the emotional release you needed, with Jayce and Viktor holding you between them.
When your crying sounded like it was subsiding you were released from your comforting hug, but Jayce let a hand linger on your shoulder. You sniffled and wiped your eyes. "Thank you" You muttered.
"Anything for you." Viktor moved beside you to place a quick kiss on your cheek before taking a place at Jayce's side.
Jayce kissed your other cheek. "We love you Y/N, don't ever forget that."
You gave a bittersweet smile. "I love you both so much!" You practically jumped into their arms for another hug, though it was hard to get your arms around both of them. Luckily Jayce had it covered instead, scopping both you and Viktor up into a bear hug that had you finally laughing instead of crying. You knew you had been right to come to the lab to see your partners. They always know exactly what you need to feel better.
I wrote this real quick as a way to make myself feel better since I've been feeling like shit recently.  Sorry it's so short but I didn't really have any idea besides getting hugs from Jayce and Viktor.

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